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Reds tidbits (2010 season)

Dusty in the top of the 8th scoreless game, Cairo with a leadoff double, so with 2 hitters and the pitcher up what does he do? Why give away an out of course.

Stubbs sac bunt
Hanigan K
Wood K

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Dusty in the top of the 8th scoreless game, Cairo with a leadoff double, so with 2 hitters and the pitcher up what does he do? Why give away an out of course.

Stubbs sac bunt
Hanigan K
Wood K

Dumb to give away an out when you have your pitcher coming up, who is obviously going to remain in the game. Utterly stupid.

Third base was not that important to cut your chances down to essentially 1 batter.
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Jaxbuck;1730199; said:
Dusty in the top of the 8th scoreless game, Cairo with a leadoff double, so with 2 hitters and the pitcher up what does he do? Why give away an out of course.

Stubbs sac bunt
Hanigan K
Wood K


While I agree, I am not sure it really mattered. Stubbs was going to strike out anyway. I am just happy he was actually able to bunt the ball. That is a step in the right direction for him.
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OHSportsFan9;1730200; said:
Dumb to give away an out when you have your pitcher coming up, who is obviously going to remain in the game. Utterly stupid.

Third base was not that important to cut your chances down to essentially 1 batter.

Yeah I used to have the percentage difference a guy scored from 3rd vs 2nd, it really isn't huge and if someone were smart enough to do the math and calculate the risk reward you'd hopefully see a lot less of that mindless shit.

I agree Stubbs was likely going to K anyway but I'd rather have 2 position players take a crack at it that 1 position player and a rookie pitcher.
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