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Reds tidbits (2010 season)

Best thing that could happen to the Reds is to fire Dusty Baker.

The next best thing would be a road trip away from GABP. Guess one out of two isnt bad.

They push Bruce down in the order and leave Phillips in the 4. All I can do is shake my head anymore.
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Bucky Katt;1690039; said:
Damn. That ball by Gomes was smoked. :banger:

And another!

Fuckin' rally-killers. :shake:

Reds catch a break when the umps take one off 'em off the board, so Hanigan could GIDP.

Then Hanigan screws it up and hits another one. That guy should be benched.
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Bestbuck36;1690048; said:
Bronson working the frisbee pitch. Got to like that. He'll have maybe one more really good start before he gets rocked. hehe

Just got to keep pitching him in night games so he has time to sleep off the hangovers.
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The replay they showed on FSN was pretty lousy. It looked like the angle you'd get from the lower deck concourse about halfway down the line. That's probably the worst angle I can imagine for determining whether that ball was fair or foul. I hope they're not overturning calls based on that kind of evidence, but I wouldn't doubt it.

Saw the comment by Dusty. That kind of advice stops being useful around age 10. They're gonna let this guy manage Chapman when he gets here? Sheesh.

I think Bruce needs to be moved up in the order. If there's anybody in this lineup that could use some protection right now it's him. He's not gonna get a damn thing to hit batting in front of Hernandez/Hanigan.

Here's a summary of Arroyo's fifth inning tonight:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFSvkIMN89Y&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Dog Poops on Field During Naturals Game[/ame]
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:slappy: @ Chris Wells saying that Ondrusek would've been better off hanging a belt-high sinker the the batter before Ross instead of walking him, because that means the Reds would still be up by one. That's assuming Ondrusek would've been able to somehow trick one of the next three batters into making a fucking out somehow.

Seriously, does someone write this shit for them? Every time somebody in the Reds' employ has a mic in front of their face they say something that is absolutely surreal.
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