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Reds tidbits (2010 season)

scott91575;1690121; said:
Wait, I thought we were trading Dustyisms. I don't recognize that one.


jlb1705;1690130; said:
Chris Welsh is now dreaming up sacrifice bunt scenarios. :bonk:

Spaulding guide book types live to give away outs, absolutely live for the shit.
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Something I didn't notice until now...what is the deal with teams off on a Tuesday in the middle of a series? I haven't checked the schedule, but is that an early season thing only? Is it due to the Tuesday after a teams Monday home opening day has bad attendance?
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Well, the Reds took the two I was hoping for. To tomorrow...Volstad is not bad, but the Reds did hit him last year. I don't have much hope of the Reds and Harang beating Johnson on Thursday (although Johnson has struggled so far this year). If the Reds can take 3 of 4 I will be happy.
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