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Reds tidbits (2010 season)

How many more starts in the minors before Aroldis Chapman gets his time to shine in the big leagues? I like our starting pitching right now, keeping the runs low.. But I'm not so sure about Harang.
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jlb1705;1690103; said:
:slappy: @ Chris Wells saying that Ondrusek would've been better off hanging a belt-high sinker the the batter before Ross instead of walking him, because that means the Reds would still be up by one. That's assuming Ondrusek would've been able to somehow trick one of the next three batters into making a fucking out somehow.

Seriously, does someone write this shit for them? Every time somebody in the Reds' employ has a mic in front of their face they say something that is absolutely surreal.

Probably because they employ a lot of stupid people.
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jlb1705;1690106; said:
Chapman won't be in Cincinnati until June at the earliest.

Regardless of how well he pitches in the minors? I mean we've seen Homer dominate the minors and, to this point, not deliver in the majors.. But I just think Chapman is a whole different animal.
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Buckeye89Fan;1690108; said:
Regardless of how well he pitches in the minors? I mean we've seen Homer dominate the minors and, to this point, not deliver in the majors.. But I just think Chapman is a whole different animal.

My understanding is that Chapman's contract is structured to be much more favorable to the Reds if they keep him in the minors until that point. Plus, unlike Homer Bailey I think he needs a sufficient chance to get acclimated to life in the US in a low-pressure environment before making the jump.
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Buckeye89Fan;1690108; said:
Regardless of how well he pitches in the minors? I mean we've seen Homer dominate the minors and, to this point, not deliver in the majors.. But I just think Chapman is a whole different animal.

See the arbitration stuff I posted. While they are risking it to some point with Leake (yet I think can be avoided), Chapman would cost the Reds even more in arbitration. They are not going to give up on any of the starting 5 in the next 6 weeks anyway, and May 20th is usually the magic date for avoiding super 2 arbitration. I could see Leake being sent down later so Chapman can come up for a month or two, then more Leake. Who knows. Both have arbitration issues, with Chapman the biggest risk due to the bonuses in his contract.
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jlb1705;1690111; said:
My understanding is that Chapman's contract is structured to be much more favorable to the Reds if they keep him in the minors until that point. Plus, unlike Homer Bailey I think he needs a sufficient chance to get acclimated to life in the US in a low-pressure environment before making the jump.

Fair enough. I just couldn't help but get excited after seeing his first start in the minors and just sitting batters down left and right.
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