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Reds tidbits (2010 season)

People are going to blame Votto for shitting the bed on that "infield single", but that was all Masset. He covered the bag in plenty of time, but he was looking down at the ground and then inexplicably, at the Reds dugout or some chick in the stands or something. Votto held on to the ball on what should have been an easy out at first because if he underhanded it to the bag it would've rolled into the Marlins' dugout and this thing would be over.

Of course, just like his father Thom misses the action entirely and is all too eager to flog Votto over the play well into the next inning.
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Phillips bunts into what should've been a double play, except nobody covers 2nd base for the Fish. :lol:

With the rate at which Phillips is making outs right now I actually don't mind the sacrifice there. If he's going to make an out, you might as well intentionally do it in a way that makes it more likely that you only make one instead of two.

...And Rolen comes in an drives Votto home with a bloop over Uggla.
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jlb1705;1689639; said:
People are going to blame Votto for shitting the bed on that "infield single", but that was all Masset. He covered the bag in plenty of time, but he was looking down at the ground and then inexplicably, at the Reds dugout or some chick in the stands or something. Votto held on to the ball on what should have been an easy out at first because if he underhanded it to the bag it would've rolled into the Marlins' dugout and this thing would be over.

Of course, just like his father Thom misses the action entirely and is all too eager to flog Votto over the play well into the next inning.

I said the same thing while watching the replay. That was not Votto's fault. Pitchers need to look for the ball before you toss the ball. He was busy looking at the bag, and then to the middle of nowhere.

Overall, good win. I still have reservations about Cueto. He has not gotten better at being a pitcher. He is still just a thrower.
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I'm just glad Masset was able to pull his own bacon out of the fire that inning. Votto actually saved that game by holding onto the ball rather than almost losing it. He's also the last person on the team that deserves the typical Brennaman Family Tag Team treatment.
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jlb1705;1689640; said:
Phillips bunts into what should've been a double play, except nobody covers 2nd base for the Fish. :lol:

With the rate at which Phillips is making outs right now I actually don't mind the sacrifice there. If he's going to make an out, you might as well intentionally do it in a way that makes it more likely that you only make one instead of two.

...And Rolen comes in an drives Votto home with a bloop over Uggla.

I always joke that I'd rather be lucky than good but this is getting ridiculous. They have won 4 games this week in ways you might not see 4 times in a year.
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Today's Line Up:

How the hell do you put Phillips in the 4th slot, in front or Rolan right now. :smash:
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