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Reds tidbits (2010 season)

Brandon with the glove saving a run once again. Guy is fantastic in the field!

2 down man on 3rd. Should be Cueto's last batter.

Yes. Way to hang in there JC.

Hope we can get to his spot in the order and get at least one this inning.

Bruce, Nix and Hernandez coming up.
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Bruce flied out to deep left but Nix draws the walk. Move him over and get the pinch hitter in for Cueto now.

YES! Base hit by Hernandez. Nix on his horse to 3rd. 1st and 3rd with one out. Pinch hitting with Dickerson.

What?! We actually did something right Dusty?!

Watched a called 3rd strike. Not good Dickerson!!!!

Holy shit. Nix gets caught trying to steal home. I'm going to puke now.
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Yeah I went to two of em. Nice place. Weather was great and I got to see alot of the young guys play.

Herrera in for Lincoln. 5 out of 6 outs for Lincoln. I couldnt ask for anymore. Nevermind, I just saw Cantu on 3rd. Knew it was too good to be true.

Herrera gives up the tying single. Still two on. Jeebus!!!
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Bestbuck36;1689616; said:
Good job Reds. 8 pitch inning and Stubbs had 5 of em. Nice patience at the end of the game there. :sad2:

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