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Record Breaking 2009 Draft for Buckeyes?

Potential drafted Buckeyes, 2009 (depending on who declares plus graduates):

The "O"-
  • Boeckman
  • C. Wells
  • Mo Wells
  • Robiskie
  • Hartline
  • Small (with a good season)
  • Nicol/Ballard
  • Boone
  • Rehring
  • Cordle
  • Person
The "D"-
  • Denlinger (at least one of the DTs, anymore might be a stretch)
  • Worthington
  • Abdallah
  • Freeman
  • Laurinaitis
  • Jenkins
  • Washington
  • Coleman
  • Russell
"The STers"-
  • Trapasso
  • Pretorius
That's 19-22 potential, depending on how they play both individually and as a unit. The NFL is placing a greater emphasis on PR/KRs with the emergence of such players like Devin Hester (so don't count out Small). Remember, a year is a LOT of time in football terms. Bigger, faster, stronger, and you'll see at least one or two surprises that may not be considered NFL prospects this year really mature into solid prospects next year. Our DTs may have been suspect this past season, but I won't be shocked if they are considered strengths next season.
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I could definately see 16-19 Bucks going in that draft. That list was getting a little thin there towards the end. A few stretches too. TE's won't get their names called unless OSU decides to actually utilize them. The STers will probably get picked up by a team but not drafted. And I'm not sure about all the other DB's and DL that were mentioned either. I think it's safe to say that another year of experience, another year of getting stronger and faster, another year of expossure and another year of chasing the title doesn't hurt their chances. If I recall correctly the Bucks have the record for most players taken in the draft in 2004. Do they still have that record and how many were taken again, 14? Guessing???

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billmac91;1065436; said:
Again, peopel think Boeckman was just awful, but try playing in 20 mph winds in sub 35 degree weather. Ain't easy.

How warm do you think it was in Green Bay or Foxboro this past weekend and how warm do you think it will be there this weekend. A QB that can't make that adjustment won't have much calling in the pros.
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cincibuck;1066190; said:
How warm do you think it was in Green Bay or Foxboro this past weekend and how warm do you think it will be there this weekend. A QB that can't make that adjustment won't have much calling in the pros.

Gee let's see here, multiple times Super Bowl MVP in Brady and possibly the greatest quarterback to have played the game in Farve (By the way combined with nearly 30 years of PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE) vs. a guy in his first season as a COLLEGE starting QB....

Nope don't see a difference there :roll2:
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cincibuck;1066190; said:
How warm do you think it was in Green Bay or Foxboro this past weekend and how warm do you think it will be there this weekend. A QB that can't make that adjustment won't have much calling in the pros.

how'd Brett Favre's numbers compare first 3/4's of the season compared to last 1/4?
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billmac91;1066200; said:
how'd Brett Favre's numbers compare first 3/4's of the season compared to last 1/4?

Since you asked....

Brett Favre

Games 1-12:

296-439 (67.425%), 3,412 yards, 22 TD, 10 INT

per game= 24.67-36.58 (67.44%), 284.33 yards, 1.83 TD, .83 INT

Games 13-16:

60-96 (62.5%), 743 yards, 6 TD, 5 INT

per game= 15-24 (62.5%), 185.75 yards, 1.5 TD, 1.25 INT

Weather related or not, Green Bay apparently found Ryan Grant right about now, and Favre's average completions per game quickly became his average attempts per game.

Games 1-12 represent 75% of his season....

while his 3,412 yards represent 82.117% of his yards...

and his 22 TD's represent 78.57% of his TD's....

and his 10 INT's represent 66.67% of his INT's...

It is clearly obvious that Favre was more successful in his first 12 games than his last 4. Brett Favre is also a 17 year NFL veteran, playing in Green Bay, WI in the middle of winter, setting team and NFL records, all the while trying to stay healthy guiding his team to playoff positioning.

So there's the stats....
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schwab;1066226; said:
Since you asked....

Brett Favre

Games 1-12:

296-439 (67.425%), 3,412 yards, 22 TD, 10 INT

per game= 24.67-36.58 (67.44%), 1.83 TD, .83 INT

Games 13-16:

60-96 (62.5%), 743 yards, 6 TD, 5 INT

per game= 15-24 (62.5%), 1.5 TD, 1.25 INT

Weather related or not, Green Bay apparently found Ryan Grant right about now, and Favre's average completions per game quickly became his average attempts per game.

Games 1-12 represent 75% of his season....

while his 3,412 yards represent 82.117% of his yards...

and his 22 TD's represent 78.57% of his TD's....

and his 10 INT's represent 66.67% of his INT's...

It is clearly obvious that Favre was more successful in his first 12 games than his last 4. Brett Favre is also a 17 year NFL veteran, playing in Green Bay, WI in the middle of winter, setting team and NFL records, all the while trying to stay healthy guiding his team to playoff positioning.

So there's the stats....

Thanks Schwab....I knew Favre didn't play as well down the stretch as he did in the beginning/middle of the season which is why I asked.

He had a fantastic playoff game against Seatle, but even he mentioned, after a terrible game against Chicago, that the the weather was having major effects on his game. I'm not trying to hi-jack my own thread, but I think Todd deserves a bit of pass in the Illinois/Wisconsin/Michigan games.

And I'm in the camp that thinks he played pretty well against LSU.
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BuckeyeMike80;1066194; said:
Gee let's see here, multiple times Super Bowl MVP in Brady and possibly the greatest quarterback to have played the game in Farve (By the way combined with nearly 30 years of PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE) vs. a guy in his first season as a COLLEGE starting QB....

Nope don't see a difference there :roll2:

Oh that's right. I made a direct reference to those two QBs... I made a reference to weather. Todd did not handle himself well in cold weather. Henne didn't either, but he had a physical excuse. My point is not that Todd needs to be able to do what Brady and Favre can do. My point is that an NFL QB consideration would be how he handles adverse weather. Todd did not show me much.
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Buckeye45;1067194; said:
I don't see TB getting into the first round - I hope I am wrong, but don't see it.

His age doesn't help.

Who wants to draft a QB in the first couple rounds who won't be in the league a couple years before he retires?

Could you exaggerate that anymore? We've seen plenty of QB's play into their late 30's-early 40's. And to answer your question, last year John Beck was drafted early in the second round out of BYU and he's about 27 years old.
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CFN has an early projection of 5 OSU first round picks in 2009...

3. Chris "Beanie" Wells, RB Ohio State (Jr.)
With size, breakaway speed, and toughness between the tackles, Beanie is a do-it-all back who can be a 25-carry NFL franchise builder....
5. James Laurinaitis, LB Ohio State
There's no doubt he would've been a top 15, maybe top ten pick had he come out early....
7. Malcolm Jenkins, CB Ohio State
He likely would've been the first corner taken in the 2008 draft with a combination of safety size and blazing speed........
19. Marcus Freeman, LB Ohio State
...At 245 pounds, he has the size to play inside, but he's an outside defender at the next level with the speed and quickness.......
20. Alex Boone, OT Ohio State
Boone could've been gone after this year and would've been a top 50 pick, and now he's almost certain to go in the first round.....
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