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Record Breaking 2009 Draft for Buckeyes?

Every time that you hear or read the name Todd McShay (OK, I admit that I am now also guilty), his objective has been reached. He is just another douchebag numbnuts looking to make a name for himself. You know the old saying, No such thing as bad publicity, well we are feeding the animal. Let's leave this fucktard alone, and ignore his stupidity, and maybe he will go away. But by mentioning his mock draft, and watching his ESPN rants against Mel Kiper Jr we are only supporting his platform. If we don't give this dumbass a vehicle to transport his own agenda, it will die off. Sadly, this is hard to imagine happening. But we can start here and now by simply not mentioning his name. Instead of getting home from work and tuning into ESPN or ESPNews, try reading a newspaper, taking your dog for a walk, or for Christ's sake, do those dishes. They've been staring at you for a week now.
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DaddyBigBucks;1153372; said:

If I want something to laugh at from people who are too insignificant to dislike, I'll click on a link to an ESPN story (usually from this board). When I want good analysis from people that constantly work my last good nerve, I'll read it here.

schwab;1155462; said:
... Instead of getting home from work and tuning into ESPN or ESPNews, try reading a newspaper, taking your dog for a walk, or for Christ's sake, do those dishes. They've been staring at you for a week now.

ESPN has its place.
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