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Record Breaking 2009 Draft for Buckeyes?

billmac91;1070664; said:
just based Boeckman off of Mel Kiper's junior QB list....he had Todd ranked #2 as NFL QB prospect. Mel liked Todd's release, mobility in the pocket, and quick reads. His list and analysis may have changed, but he said by the end of his enior campaign he thought Todd would be the #2 rated QB. This was on ESPN radio, college gameday program btw.

I don't necessarily agree, but NFL GM's are suckers for size

6'5 - 240 lbs will do more for him than anything else

Alex Boone is a guaranteed first round pick next year. No question about it.

I agree, Boeckman looks like he has what it takes to be a franchise QB!
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Todd Boeckman - I love 'im but he'll play less in the NFL than Craig Krenzel.

Mo Wells -- He'll cut his hair and make a career as a special teamer.

Tight Ends --- I am still surprised that Hartsock is in the NFL - not because he's not talented, he is - but if you were a tight end who wanted to hide from the NFL you should play for the Buckeyes. So I feel bad for Nicol and ballard because they both have talent, Ballard especially has size. Will they catch more than 5 passes next year?

Still, 2009 will probably see 15 Buckeyes drafted. Awesome.
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Just something tot hink about for everyone knocking Todd, and at this moment I don't think he;s a first rounder either but........

Matty Ice(worst nickname ever) is the projected #1 pick on yahoo sports. The same guy who was 20-48(or somewhere in that range) against MSU. GM's and scouts like his size and release.

If Matt Ryan is the #1 overall pick, or anywhere close to that, I don't think we can rule out Todd's potential to get there.
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billmac91;1071985; said:
Just something tot hink about for everyone knocking Todd, and at this moment I don't think he;s a first rounder either but........

Matty Ice(worst nickname ever) is the projected #1 pick on yahoo sports. The same guy who was 20-48(or somewhere in that range) against MSU. GM's and scouts like his size and release.

If Matt Ryan is the #1 overall pick, or anywhere close to that, I don't think we can rule out Todd's potential to get there.

Uh not sure where to start on this one, I agree that Ryan came from a ways back in the pack and that TB has potential to be a solid, passable college QB, but to compare Ryan (Matty Ice, I agree pitiful nickname) to TB is quite a stretch.

Ryan showed pretty good feet, some ability to elude the rush so he could continue to look for his recievers. The next guy TB makes miss, will be among his first (if not his first)

Matty Ice (threw up in my mouth a little that time) also has a cannon for an arm, while TB has solid arm strength, I saw Ryan make some throws that I do not believe TB should attempt unless we want to see more pick sixes.

I'm not trying to denigrate TB, it just seems to me that if tOSU is to win an NC next year, they will probably need one of two things to happen. Either the defense to be much better in the biggest games so TB does not have to lead tOSU to a win in a shootout, or TB has to improve his pocket presence, accuracy, and to a point his decision making so he can lead the Bucks to a victory against a top notch opponent in a shootout. (pretty good chance one, the other or both will occur)
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billmac91;1071985; said:
Just something tot hink about for everyone knocking Todd, and at this moment I don't think he;s a first rounder either but........

Matty Ice(worst nickname ever) is the projected #1 pick on yahoo sports. The same guy who was 20-48(or somewhere in that range) against MSU. GM's and scouts like his size and release.

If Matt Ryan is the #1 overall pick, or anywhere close to that, I don't think we can rule out Todd's potential to get there.

Anyone who saw both Brian Brohm and "Matty Ice" both play - it's apparent that Brohm is ten times better.

Back to TB - I think he will find a place in the NFL, wheter he is drafted or not. We'll just have to see how he continues to develop next year and what happens with the QB situation.
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After only 3 drafted in 2008, next years draft will once again be worth watching.

Between Cleveland not having a pick until round 4 and so few Buckeyes, I felt cheated.

Can't wait for Herbstreit to gush over the amount of Buckeyes being selected, unless he's pissed that they're showing up USC's performance from this year.
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Here is a scout.com mock draft for 09 they have 3 bucks in the top 4 and 4 in the top 12 . Not sure if this has already been posted

1. Miami - James Laurinaitis, Ohio State, LB
The Dolphins made modest strides in 07, but are continuing on the course of improving the defensive unit with the latest in a long line of top inside backers produced by the Buckeyes.
2. Kansas City - Malcolm Jenkins, Ohio State, CB
Passing on a corner in the opening round proved to be the Chiefs' undoing. With Marty Schottenheimer back in town and wearing both hats (coach and GM), this aspect of the game will be taken care of very quickly.
4. Oakland - Beanie Wells, Ohio State, RB
After a two-year absence, Denny Green returns to the bay area as the first major change in new managing general partner Carl Peterson era.
12. Carolina - Alex Boone, Ohio State, OT
After losing tackle Jordan Gross to the Broncos, the Panthers immediately began the search for a replacement. New coach Mike Martz surprisingly selects an offensive tackle over a homerun receiver in his first draft as the Panthers head coach. Acquiring Charlie Whitehurst from the Chargers could pay huge dividends.
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Lets see, two of his top 4 picks will be first year starters. 6 of his top 10 are SEC players. I'd go through the rest of the list and point out how retarded it is, but I think I've made my point. I think it's pretty sorry that ESPN actually charges people for insider subscriptions to read this garbage.
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WOW! We are gonna break some records.

Lawrence Wilson...some people forgot about him

Lil' Animal
Curtis Terry

Washington...I think he takes the train

Special teams

Trappasso will be taken in the 7th round




Wells 6th or 7rh round

Small...he'll take the train if he can

We will have 12-18 players drafted. There are 3-4 other juniors that could declare I don't have listed. We will have 5-8 frist rounders.
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I'm sorry but in the Marine Corps when its time for you to get out they refer to it as taking the train. IMO those two will leave early instead of coming back for their senior season. Of the two Washington has the higher perntage of coming back IMO. This discusion is dependent on how well they perform their junior season. Sorry for the lingo...I guess civies or nonmarines wouldn't understand.
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