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Record Breaking 2009 Draft for Buckeyes?

Bleed S & G;1065464; said:
Not to keep beating up on Todd, but..

Troy had a great M*ch*gan game and a great BCS game against ND that year..

Boeckman.. not so much.

Boeckman had 13 passes against scUM (due to the weather, i know.. i know) and not such a great NC game showing.. not horrendous, but no way would I call it great.. average may be the best word to use.

The difference between Troy Smith and Todd Boeckman is night and day. And thats o.k., it's not everyday you have a heisman winning QB.. we buckeye fans should know this.

That's not really my point. Todd doesn't have to be as good as Troy. He just needs to show improvement like Troy did. The NFL will always love 6'5" QB's.
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That is a pretty impressive group of 09'ers, but can we please leave Beanie's name off. I mean c'mon he'll only be junior and still have his senior year to look forward to (I know I'm probably being dilusional, but it makes me happy :biggrin:)

While not overly impressed with TB's play down the stretch, with an added influx of speed (healthy Small, TWash, Posey, Flash and Stoney) a liberal dose of Beanie and a good O-line, he could put up some nice numbers. This was his first year of college ball and he did have a long layoff.
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Beockman could be awesome if he starts working right now on a few key things. He needs to feel the pocket better, make quicker decisions and he needs to improve his release (sometimes he looks like a baseball pitcher). All of these are do-able. The release will be the hardest to change, but it can be done.

One thing I think he'll definitely have is attitude. This year I think he a bit tentative. With a full year and a few tough games under his belt, I think he'll develope the attitude of "This is may ball, bitch, take it if you think you can!" that you see of really successfull quarterbacks. I hope he developes the skills to back it up.

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BUCKYLE;1065899; said:
Roger Goodell: "With the 1st through 8th picks in the 2009 NFL Draft, the NFL selects...The Ohio State Buckeyes"


Good one, I don't know how many guys Miami will have going to the NFL, but with Big Vern and the 2009 group, we may make a move for most NFL guys from one college soon. Considering where some of the Bucks have been rated coming out of HS, this just shows how well talent is being developed by JT and the staff (also shows how overated the star system is)
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GrizzlyBuck;1065905; said:
Good one, I don't know how many guys Miami will have going to the NFL, but with Big Vern and the 2009 group, we may make a move for most NFL guys from one college soon. Considering where some of the Bucks have been rated coming out of HS, this just shows how well talent is being developed by JT and the staff (also shows how overated the star system is)

we had the most active players in the NFL numerous times last season. It fluctuated bewteen us and Miami a majority of the season.
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