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Record Breaking 2009 Draft for Buckeyes?

Dryden;1151585; said:
And for true hilarity, there's douche nozzle Todd McShay's Mock, which has MJ going #12, JL going #13, and no Beanie. :lol:

ESPN - Defenders earn four of top five spots in first 2009 mock draft - NFL

Now I know why ESPN hired this moron. He makes Mel Kiper Jr look infallible by comparison.

10. New York Jets -- Knowshon Moreno*, RB, Georgia

Moreno burst onto the scene as a redshirt freshman in 2007 and he should build on that momentum as a first-year starter behind a more mature offensive line during the upcoming season. The Jets were not able to land McFadden in this year's draft but Moreno would be worth the wait if he's available in 2009.

The Jets take Knowshon Moreno over B Wells?

Todd McShay is an ass clown.

I mean I know Moreno is a good back. He is. He's small and slippery. Not necessary the prototypical NFL RB. If you have visions of LT, you are smoking dope. So the Jets couldn't get McFadden, so they take a back that is in no way similar to DMac and has only played one NCAA season so far.

I need to see some credentials, Todd...
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^ People that read articles by douchebags like him only make it worse. Thats what kills me about Mark May...why watch that fucking idiot. I stopped watching gameday/halftime reports/all that ESPN bullshit.

Drop the subscription to their shitty magazine and watch their channel as little as possible. I'm glad Fox and the B10 network are moving in. Turn the channel hurt them bastards with your wallet and ratings.

I have stopped watching ABC and ESPN...FUCK DISNEY TOO I'd rather spend my dime in Ohio at Cedar Point.
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NFBuck;1065960; said:
We had 14 drafted in 2004.

To be fully accurate, that's the record for the current format, but not the most players ever taken from one college.

Texas actually had 17 players taken in the 1984 NFL draft, which had 12 rounds. Only 10 of those went in the first 7 rounds. The breakout was:

Round 01 - 1
Round 02 - 2
Round 03 - 2
Round 04 - 1
Round 05 - 3
Round 06 -
Round 07 - 1
Round 08 - 2
Round 09 - 2
Round 10 - 2
Round 11 -
Round 12 - 1

They should have broken that record by now, by xrayrandy doesn't work for all 32 NFL teams. :wink2:
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Buckeyefan#1;1151562; said:
Here is a scout.com mock draft for 09 they have 3 bucks in the top 4 and 4 in the top 12 . Not sure if this has already been posted

1. Miami - James Laurinaitis, Ohio State, LB
The Dolphins made modest strides in 07, but are continuing on the course of improving the defensive unit with the latest in a long line of top inside backers produced by the Buckeyes.
2. Kansas City - Malcolm Jenkins, Ohio State, CB
Passing on a corner in the opening round proved to be the Chiefs' undoing. With Marty Schottenheimer back in town and wearing both hats (coach and GM), this aspect of the game will be taken care of very quickly.
4. Oakland - Beanie Wells, Ohio State, RB
After a two-year absence, Denny Green returns to the bay area as the first major change in new managing general partner Carl Peterson era.
12. Carolina - Alex Boone, Ohio State, OT
After losing tackle Jordan Gross to the Broncos, the Panthers immediately began the search for a replacement. New coach Mike Martz surprisingly selects an offensive tackle over a homerun receiver in his first draft as the Panthers head coach. Acquiring Charlie Whitehurst from the Chargers could pay huge dividends.

I know that Al Davis is senile....but why would he take Beanie a year after taking Darren McFadden.
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Players I fully expect to be drafted:

1. Chris "Beanie" Wells
2. James Laurinitis
3. Malcolm Jenkins
4. Alex Boone
5. Marcus Freeman
6. Brian Robiskie
7. Steve Rehring
8. Lawrence Wilson
9. Todd Boeckman
10. Nader Abdallah
11. Maurice Wells
12. Rory Nicol
13. Ben Person

The only "maybe" on the above list IMO is Ben Person.

I think Jamario has a great opportunity to be drafted if he gets some meaningful snaps. He will assuredly get an opportunity as an undrafted free agent if he doesn't get taken. I still have a feeling Jamario works his way into the draft.

AJ Trapasso may get taken with a big senior campaign.

Curtis Terry will definately get drafted if he solidifies himself at linebacker. I think a combination of FB and OLB hurts his stock in GM's minds. A focus on just one position will help his stock, but I think he projects at OLB in the NFL.

Brian Hartline will consider leaving after the season. Will be interesting to see if he thinks he can improve stock with a (RS) Senior season.

Donald Washington could pull an Ashton Youboty. Plus Donald seems to be finding JT's dog-house a little too frequently.

That is 18 potential picks.

At worst we get 13 drafted.

It's possible Wells, Jenkins, Laurinitis, Boone, Robiskie, and Freeman all go in the first.

My guess is we get 5 first rounders.

It will definately be a headline story for next years draft.
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stowfan;1152321; said:
This shit is just going to kill our recruiting:biggrin:

we will flat out, have the most players in the NFL in 2009. We had the title several weeks last year depending on 53 man rosters, but we'll have it all 17 weeks in 2009, without a doubt.

And it will be nice.

Why do NFL GM's continue to take slow-footed tOSU players, I wonder?
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Taosman;1152332; said:
I have doubts Rehring and Mo Wells get drafted unless both have remarkable years. And throw Nicol in that group, also.

Rehring, 100% gets drafted. He's already listed as 3-4th round material for next year on mock drafts, so people have said.

Anyways, he has good size, and will be picked because of tOSU's reputation alone. If he has a good year, it just moves him up the board.

I can understand about Mo and Rory Nicol.

I think they get taken though.
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Interesting that McShay seems to believe that this will be by far the best year for Defensive Tackles EVER. Three in the top Five? Really?

In the last 20 years, the earliest the 3rd DT has come off the board is at pick #12 ('01, '02 and '03). There have only been 3 other times in the past 20 years when the 3rd DT was picked before the end of Round 1. In 1998 the third DT came off the board at pick #107.

I only went back to 1987 because there are significant missing pieces in player-position data in '86 and earlier.

So who are these guys that they are going to go higher than the top 3 DTs have EVER gone? Are they that good? If so, why are they not household names?

How many of you DON'T remember Tommie Harris? He was talked about and highlighted constantly in '02 and '03. He went #14 in the '04 draft; and he was the first DT taken that year.

It's not like McShay's three DTs are from small, ignored schools. They're from USC, LSU and Auburn. The USC tackle, in McShay's own words, played in the shadow of the #7 pick from last month's draft. With those double-teams now being directed his way rather than toward Sedrick Ellis, how is Fili Moala going to somehow morph into a top-5 pick? The same question could be asked of Al Woods, who will now be facing Glen Dorsey's double teams.

Usually, when any enterprise faces increasing competition, they get better; or at the very least they try harder. ESPN is still grunting out the same steaming piles of meaningless drivel.

If I want something to laugh at from people who are too insignificant to dislike, I'll click on a link to an ESPN story (usually from this board). When I want good analysis from people that constantly work my last good nerve, I'll read it here.
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