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RB Roderick Smith (Official Thread)

I don't get the change. All I've heard since he's been here is that he's looked remarkable in practice. He looked good in early playing time this season, but obviously has fumble issues. Those can be cured.
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sepia5;2015232; said:
I don't get the change. All I've heard since he's been here is that he's looked remarkable in practice. He looked good in early playing time this season, but obviously has fumble issues. Those can be cured.

So did Pittman (IIRC), so did Beanie.... Young guys learn from their mistakes. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way, but I surely hope he is back to being a RB next season.
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Smith to linebacker

The man at the bottom of the list at tailback, redshirt freshman Rod Smith, apparently decided recently to shake up his luck by agreeing to move to linebacker.

?We?re looking at what?s best for this team right now,? Fickell said. ?Rod has jumped over and played a little defense for us just because he knows right now his role might be even more special teams. ? He has been very unselfish with it.?

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MililaniBuckeye;2016166; said:
Just because he has moved to LB for now doesn't mean he can't be moved back to RB if he earns it (i.e., cures his fumblitis).

It sounds like he's playing both sides of the ball, which is kind of awesome given how physical the two positions are. I'd love to see a guy get carries at RB then go in and play LB, even if it's garbage time.
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BrutusBobcat;2016210; said:
It sounds like he's playing both sides of the ball, which is kind of awesome given how physical the two positions are. I'd love to see a guy get carries at RB then go in and play LB, even if it's garbage time.

Dude! We're talkin an industrial strength Charles Woodson:biggrin:
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RugbyBuck;2016262; said:
Whoa, Stow. No reason to call him an arsehole just because he fumbled a few times. :biggrin:

It's been a long day, my thinking must have been clouded. The last thing we need is Rod showing up for the Heisman in a tux paid for by his agent, two weeks before our bowl game. Even though the receipt, and many others are public record in a South Carolina court of law, it was never looked into by UM.
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