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RB Roderick Smith (Official Thread)

I really think he could be a monster at LBer...He is very lean right now so he could even put on 10-15 pounds and be okay. That would put him at 245 or so. With his size and speed, we could really use him. Wasn?t it Von Miller that went to A&M as a RB and switched to LB? He was 6-3 245 as a senior. I hope this turns out to be a great move for him.
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bucknut502;2014280; said:
I really think he could be a monster at LBer...He is very lean right now so he could even put on 10-15 pounds and be okay. That would put him at 245 or so. With his size and speed, we could really use him. Wasn?t it Von Miller that went to A&M as a RB and switched to LB? He was 6-3 245 as a senior. I hope this turns out to be a great move for him.
Purely from a physique standpoint, he could be reminiscent of Andy Katzenmoyer. About the same height, and the frame is there to hold 260 pounds if he wanted to.

Did he play LB in high school at all?
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Very odd. I agree the backfield is crowded, but I can't imagine he will see the field at LB either. There is a lot more to playing LB at a top-tier program than running fast and looking the part. I can't imagine him having the cognitive ability at that position since he's been concentrating solely on RB for at least the past two seasons. Speed is helpful there, but if you can't recognize pass vs runs, cover drop zones, etc., you're going to be be exposed as a very fast guy who can't find the ball.

I guess we'll all have to wait and see what Urban Meyer thinks of this before we can judge it's long-term practicality. :wink2:
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MaxBuck;2014318; said:
It's not like our current LBs have set an unreachable bar. They are OK, but overall this is our weakest LB crew in recent memory.

Agree 100% with this statement. I just can't see a guy who hasn't played the position at any level for at least 2+ years upgrading the depth or seeing the field regardless of his speed or physical makeup. This is a move that should have been made in the offseason so that he could be coached into a LB. In the middle of the season, when the focus is on scheming for the opponents, I can't see coaches taking time to teach him the ins and outs of the position. Just seems like a really tough transition at this point in time.
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It makes no sense to change positions half way through the season. There's no way he's going to get on the field at LB this year. How is he going to learn his responsibilities and the fundamentals of the position? Do you think Vrabel has time to start at square one with him ??
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DSelwyn;2014676; said:
It makes no sense to change positions half way through the season. There's no way he's going to get on the field at LB this year. How is he going to learn his responsibilities and the fundamentals of the position? Do you think Vrabel has time to start at square one with him ??

If the position change is permanent it make perfect sense to switch now. He's not going to see the field again at RB this season and it puts him ahead of the curve at learning LB going into next season. He can't be getting that many carries at RB in practice.
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DSelwyn;2014676; said:
It makes no sense to change positions half way through the season. There's no way he's going to get on the field at LB this year. How is he going to learn his responsibilities and the fundamentals of the position? Do you think Vrabel has time to start at square one with him ??

Rods value could come in being used to rush the passer. Sorta like the Jets blitzing Joe McKnight in nickle packages. Rushing the passer is as simple as it gets.
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