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RB Roderick Smith (Official Thread)

MililaniBuckeye;2016166; said:
Just because he has moved to LB for now doesn't mean he can't be moved back to RB if he earns it (i.e., cures his fumblitis).

I agree, but if he's really that talented at the RB position, and we expect he will move back there eventually, I'd rather he keep getting the reps at that position and help the team by running the ball in the future. It's not as though he's going to help the team at LB this season. That's why it would seem to me that what is actually best for the team is to have him work on his fumble problems while continuing to practice as a RB.
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I read as motivated by the fact that he will be playing more special teams. If so, it makes sense for this season. If you don't ever tackle, you don't tackle well (and sometimes not well even if you do) and repetition is important. I wouldn't want to spend the week practicing as the 5th or 6th RB and then be asked to block and tackle at speed on special teams on Saturday.
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I think moving Roderick back to RB even for the next couple weeks is a smart move now that Berry is gone indefinitely and Hall out with a high ankle sprain. The LB position has plenty of capable bodies Sweat, Sabino, Klein, Shazier, Grant even Moeller...not to mention guys like Jackson and Whiting. Is McVey injured or am I thinking of Crowell? Maybe both I can't remember. Still, 8 guys compared to just 2 at tailback is reason enough to get him back to carrying the rock more in practice. Then again, WTH do I know???
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I agree and hope we get to see him with a few carries this weekend. It could be a good confidence builder for him. And at this point we do need him to be ready. If Hyde or Herron gets injured then he is the #2 guy available.
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Brandon Castel @BCastOZone Close
Confirmed that Ohio State RB Rod Smith did NOT make the trip to Jacksonville. Missed the team charter to Florida and is back in Ohio.
Brandon Castel @BCastOZone Close
As far as Rod Smith joining the team in Jacksonville, I was told "we'll see." It would be his responsibility to get here now.
Brandon Castel @BCastOZone Close
Considering the charter left four days ago, and the Buckeyes have already practiced twice down here, seems unlikely Smith will join them.

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You'd think if it had to deal with "official" reasons (academics, rules violations) there would have been something announced. Something llike this points toward more personal reasons...
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