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RB Roderick Smith (Official Thread)

Looks like he can easily put on another 10-15 pounds without losing any speed or quickness...

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MaliBuckeye;2012378; said:
A lot of folks are saying Rod has been moved to Linebacker for this season, due to the crowded backfield and injuries in the LB corps. It's just this season, though- back to RB in the spring.

Confirmation? Thoughts? I know he played LB in HS as well...

If true (rumor mill status), the coaches must have realized our lack of speed at LB position was killing us.

But also if true, it's just another head scratcher. Some Smith spent spring and fall camps at RB and is just now learning how to play one of the LB positions? I'm pretty sure there are enough LBs on the team to practice with, and I would assume Shazier and Grant would be above Smith.

Who knows, maybe he tackle.
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Backfield's going to be even more crowded next year with Dunn and Ball coming in.

Hall, Berry, Hyde, Dunn, Ball, and Smith? Even if Dunn and Ball redshirt carries will still be pretty hard to get, especially since it appears Smith is behind Hall, Berry, and Hyde right now and that probably won't change.
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He wore 24 last year -- that's unavailable with rod being on the coverage unit with basil. If he didn't change yet, I don't think it will happen. Bryant's been closer to joining smith on kick coverage than Smith will be to seeing pt at LB (and if he does it will be in a blowout with Bryant done for the day).
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