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RB Roderick Smith (Official Thread)

GeorgiaBuck2;1981936; said:
Pretty good performance in his first game. He will continue to grow and become a fantastic player. Congrats Rod!

Hopefully he learned his lesson that he has to hold on to the ball. Not getting your touchdown is not the end of the world. But fumbling the ball may be.

Edit - On a positive note, though, I thought he looked really good. (Sorry to start with the negative.) I don't see him getting much playing time this season, but I will enjoy watching him in the coming years.
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Roderick looks like a pure beast. Loved the cutback move that got called back late in the game.

Can't wait to see how jacked he looks in the next couple of years. Can't believe he is a freshman...
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Redshirt freshman but yes. He's a keeper. Someone noted in another thread that we might have been watching our 3rd and 5th string running backs yesterday. If that is the case then I can't remember guys that far down the depth chart that were as good as Hyde and Smith. Outstanding.
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The kid is extremely talented. That being said, he made a number of mistakes yesterday which is why he has a way to go. That being said, his future looks bright. It has been an extremely long time since we were this loaded at the position....and with Dunn and Ball coming in next year the rich just get richer.
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BuckNut65;1982402; said:
The kid is extremely talented. That being said, he made a number of mistakes yesterday which is why he has a way to go. That being said, his future looks bright. It has been an extremely long time since we were this loaded at the position....and with Dunn and Ball coming in next year the rich just get richer.

Well, he certainly looks the part. He's got a body like Eddie! :biggrin:
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BuckNut65;1982402; said:
The kid is extremely talented. That being said, he made a number of mistakes yesterday which is why he has a way to go. That being said, his future looks bright. It has been an extremely long time since we were this loaded at the position....and with Dunn and Ball coming in next year the rich just get richer.

That being said you just said that being said in consecutive sentences. :biggrin:
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Taosman;1982552; said:
He had a nice game outside the fumble. He got better with more carries out of the I-formation. Still very raw looking. Huge potential in this kid.

Totally agree, but I have some issue with minimizing the fumble.

I'll quote Coach Boone from Remember the Titans: "Hold on to my football, or I will put my foot in your John Brown hind parts."
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