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RB Maurice Wells (Official Thread)


Veteran Mo Wells content with role

Saturday, August 23, 2008 3:03 AM
By Tim May

Andrea Kjerrumgaard dispatch
Running back Maurice Wells will play a key role in the Ohio State offense this year as a backup to Chris "Beanie" Wells.

Four years ago, Maurice "Mo" Wells was one of Ohio State's big recruiting catches, a big-play running back from Jacksonville, Fla., who was going to infuse more speed into the Buckeyes offense. Now, as a senior, he's going into his second year as the backup to junior Chris "Beanie" Wells.
That wasn't what the crystal ball seemed to forecast, but that's life, he said.
"Your freshman year you always have hopes and ambitions to be the No. 1 guy," he said. "But I've learned throughout life that things don't always go as planned.

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It is in adversity in life where you see the true character of a person. Mo has gone from being the center of the attention, when he was in high school, to facing AND accepting life as it is. To me, that is much much more impressive. Mo is what a real buckeye is all about.

I expect nothing but GREAT things from mo, in life, in football, in his future endeavor. He is going to have a season of his life.



osu.edu ROCKS!!!
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Ohio State football: One Wells out, another Wells in
by Doug Lesmerises
Thursday September 04, 2008


Marvin Fong/ The Plain Dealer
Mo Wells, seen last year against Northwestern, will start in place of Beanie Wells against Ohio on Saturday.

Ohio State coach Jim Tressel said today that starting running back Beanie Wills will not play against Ohio University while recovering from an injury at the base of his right big toe and senior Mo Wells will start in his place.

The move to start Mo Wells is in many ways symbolic, since Wells, Dan Herron and Brandon Saine are expected to share the load in the backfield and the coaches would like to get each of them a dozen carries.

It's also a reward for a senior backup who has played in 36 games, rushed for 769 yards and never started before. And Wells looked good last week, rushing for 32 yards on five carries while running through more tackles than he usually does.

"He kept his shoulders square and broke some tackles and seemed healthy," Tressel said today.

Wells had missed some time during the preseason with a stomach flu and a back injury.

"I feel I ran the ball pretty decent," Wells said. "I may might not break 10 tackles on the play, but I may make a guy miss here or there."

Ohio State football: One Wells out, another Wells in - Ohio State Buckeyes Football & Basketball News - cleveland.com
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I agree, This is a time for Mo to shine. He has worked hard in his tenure to gain playing time and he deserves this opportunity. Last year and so far this year I really have enjoyed watching him run since he has been improving.
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Im looking for Mo Wells to have a big game Sat. I think he should get his 1st career 100 yard game and maybe even get 1-2 touchdowns. I also think boom should have a big game and get quite a few carries as well. Saine i think is still nursing a hamstring and shouldn't see a ton of action in preperation for USC where he needs to be full go. I was really impressed with how Mo ran last week. I think he will break some tackles and hopefully will have a few long runs. Im trilled to see that Mo will be starting this week in place of beanie. He is what being a buckeye is all about and nobody deserves this more than him. Go Maurice and Go Bucks!:oh::io:
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NFBuck;1248682; said:
That article shows precisely why Mo is one of my favorites.

I totally agree. People like Mo Wells and Brandon Smith are the guys you can't help but root for. Young men who are team players and play their guts out just to play their role. Not everyone can be Beanie or Animal or Jenkins. You need those other guys who play their role and give it everything they've got even if it's just on special teams.

Last year I got lucky enough to get tickets to the MSU game. I couldn't believe the idiots around me who rode Mo every time he came into the game. I'm so happy for Mo to get the start and I hope to see him break out and run all over the 'Shoe...and shut up so of those idiots who'll surely be riding him Saturday.

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Congrats to Mo on getting the start, he has been a real team player for 4 years.

We'll see what he can do getting around 12-15 carries behind the starting O-Line.
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I had been a fan of Mo's Ever since he came to us from Florida however I am somewhat surprised, but pleased for him, that he received a starting assignment against OU since he was the 4th TB in against YSU. I hope he goes for 150 yards and scores at least a couple TDs:)
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