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RB Maurice Wells (Official Thread)

With all of the backs we have coming back next year, I'll be curious to see how we use them in the passing game. I'd like to see Saine/Mo used in the slot next year.

I really hope the coaches find out a way to use Mo. Either way, he's been a great teammate, and I'll be cheering for him next year on senior day.
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like has been said if he was used properly then he should see the field, but IMO Beanie/Saine/Boom are all better options if they aren't going to have a package for MoW. He's best used IMO as a 3rd down back out of the backfield as a reciever or as a 2nd down back with more of the stretch/quick pitches type of runs. Our offense has been running more power based runs in the past couple years and unfortunately MoW it doesn't fit his running style. I wish they could find MoW some sort of package to get him involved because I do like him in the open field he has good shake. It's just the "getting him in space" part that we can't seem to do. Running a 190 pound guy into the teeth of a defense is not smart, and IMO is a waste of downs/opportunities for our offense.
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RB07OSU;1082742; said:
I think Maurice really did a great job this year when he got his shot...I like his role in our offense and I expect a good senior year out of Mo'.

I think if you go back in this thread and look before last year, you will get numerous posts saying "I think Maurice really did a great job this year when he got his shot...I like his role in our offense and I expect a good junior year out of Mo'."

My point isn't that I think Saine and Boom are better options, but they fit last year's scheme. Mo has his strengths, the coaches don't call plays to those, so why play him?

I like watching MoWells. He's quick and decisive, but I don't think he's ever busted a big play and made me go "wow" (ok there may have been one where he got spun around by 2 tacklers and picked up 8 more yards...Penn State maybe).

I will be cheering for MoWells and especially on senior day. I think it was Lindy's however that posted an inaccurate article stating MoWells had already graduated.

OFF TOPIC: ESPN just said "there is no shame in losing, just in the timing". I guess that only applied to the Patriots in the Super Bowl or USC in college football, definitely not our Buckeyes.
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Each year we hope he's improved and what not but I think he'll always have his weaknesses. He's not an inside runner, doesn't have great vision, and has trouble fighting through tackles I don't expect that to change either. If thats the case I'd like to see what saine/boom can do because Wells has had his fair shake of opportunities
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Mo`s issues

The problem all along with Mo has been his balance and weight. I hope next year will be his year after strength and weight training. Hopefully he can get up to the 200lb range and maintain his speed. He seems the opposite of Archie, even though they are about the same size. Archie could take a hit and maintain his balance, Mo doesnt have that skill and will need weight to help him play through the first contact. I think he could of been used more on screens and gadget plays but all along the staff has been making him get better at his weaknesses. He is slowly but surely getting better. I believe he could have a break out year especially if he puts on 10 more lbs. Go Bucks
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scooter1369;1084460; said:
Teddy Ginn would love to debate this subject with you.
Yeah since their the one in the same, right? C'mon..

Teddy was a WR and as a sophomore he was the #2 target behind holmes. His last year he had an incredible team around him including a heisman winning QB delivering him the ball.

Teddy is used in space. Mo Wells is run between the tackles.

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