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RB Maurice Wells (Official Thread)

GoGators21;976816; said:
You have done such a nice job tracking what Mo did wrong in the game, I wonder if you can tell us all why Saine was 3 for 4 this week and 3 for 3 last week. We all know what he can do so what's going on!
I think he is slowly getting a new role behind the scenes.. thats my sacrlet & gray glasses dream anyways..

I remember when someone was mentioning something about Hazell wanting to get his hands on Saine but Doc wouldn't give him up yet.. maybe Doc gave him up and Saine is learning some reciever and will soon be a slot/wingback type player?

Maybe we're saving him for Ann Arbor?

But Mo has looked good all year, IMO. Nice to see him getting carries..
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Bleed S & G;977461; said:
I think he is slowly getting a new role behind the scenes.. thats my sacrlet & gray glasses dream anyways..

I remember when someone was mentioning something about Hazell wanting to get his hands on Saine but Doc wouldn't give him up yet.. maybe Doc gave him up and Saine is learning some reciever and will soon be a slot/wingback type player?

Maybe we're saving him for Ann Arbor?

But Mo has looked good all year, IMO. Nice to see him getting carries..

Saine is a rb first and foremost...I think they are splitting him out and things, to create a decoy, and eventually use that to create mismatches, when teams try and cover him with guys that can't matchup, and also to force them to cover with a corner, maybe giving other guys a chance to get a mismatch...But his position is at RB...
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Bleed S & G;977466; said:
I don't argue that..

You don't think they may use him as a wingback with beanie in the backfield? All this studying the saints offense and plans to work with hazell.. not likely, sure.. but dammit can;t I dream?

I am not saying they won't, I just thought you meant that they were moving him there...Saying that Doc gave him up to Hazell...
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osugrad21;976545; said:

"I think Mo is running with a chip on his shoulder, actually," Beanie Wells said. "I think he is tired of hearing all the criticism about him. He is finally doing what he needs to do. I am so proud of Mo."

How cool is that? Beanie publicly sticking up for his main competition...
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LordJeffBuck;976667; said:
Nice analysis, but you missed one....

How many times has Ohio State run Mo Wells in that situation (second- or third-and-long) this season? Plenty.

I paused that play and counted 10 PSU defenders all on the right side of the TV screen flowing to the run. They bought the run on that play 100 %...even the corner Boone blocked was flowing towards that direction. Excellent execution by Mo and the whole team. I am really proud of how Mo is playing and it's good to see all of his hard work paying off. When I was at camp, I swear that Mo Wells must live in the WHAC because I went to 4 sessions a day and he was there every second I was. Congrats and keep up the good stuff Mo :osu:
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Any word on Mo's injury after the game. Looked serious at first, but I didn't see it mentioned in any post-game articles so I assume he's okay for the scUM game?? Sorry if it was discussed somewhere in the game thread...I'm NOT going back to that thread to look! It's scUM week baby!!!!!
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buckeyes_rock;991960; said:
Any word on Mo's injury after the game. Looked serious at first, but I didn't see it mentioned in any post-game articles so I assume he's okay for the scUM game?? Sorry if it was discussed somewhere in the game thread...I'm NOT going back to that thread to look! It's scUM week baby!!!!!

Answering my own question. :biggrin:

Complicating OSU's running back situation is that both top backups also got dinged up in the Illinois game. Second team running back Maurice Wells came out of the game with his ankle in a boot, and third team running back Brandon Saine finished the game in street clothes after suffering a mild concussion.
""Mo is doing fine and hopefully Brandon will be with us this week," said Wells.
"I'm not sure what happened with Brandon. Mo, I think, just rolled his ankle. The ankle is something you've got to roll with. We're going to need Mo."
"I see them in training room and they're both making strides," added Johnson.

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buckeyes_rock;993873; said:
Answering my own question. :biggrin:

Complicating OSU's running back situation is that both top backups also got dinged up in the Illinois game. Second team running back Maurice Wells came out of the game with his ankle in a boot, and third team running back Brandon Saine finished the game in street clothes after suffering a mild concussion.
""Mo is doing fine and hopefully Brandon will be with us this week," said Wells.
"I'm not sure what happened with Brandon. Mo, I think, just rolled his ankle. The ankle is something you've got to roll with. We're going to need Mo."
"I see them in training room and they're both making strides," added Johnson.


We're going to need all 3 of them Saturday. I hope Mo & Saine will be ready to go.
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A player I could really see making an impact in the BCS Championship Game is Maurice Wells. Aside from his exceptional blocking ability, in the Illinois game, he was finally starting to break out and make some good runs. Unfortunately, he was obviously injured in that game.

I don't see him getting a lot of carries or anything like that, but his experience will be a benefit. I'm thinking 6-10 carries for 30-50 yards. He was really turning it up a notch in the Illinois game before he got hurt.
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Time has come...

Preface: I was a big Maurice Wells supporter before last season.

I hate to say it, because we all know Maurice Wells is a hard worker and goes all out, but I think it's about time Mo gets passed over again.

We can say the coaches don't put him in the right situations or don't play to his strengths, but if they don't then why play him? Tressel has been more than patient with Mo but the truth is that 3.3 ypc, 3.7 ypc, and 3.6 ypc don't cut it. 10 receptions for 47 yards?

With Beanie, Saine, and Boom all ready to play next year, I say Mo Wells' spot is in question. I know Saine hasn't proved a whole lot and Boom has yet to see the field.

I say Beanie->Saine->Mo/Boom.

The numbers just aren't on Mo Wells' side.
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Mo is a great teammate and has been a good pass blocker, but Kevin Faulk is second all-time in rushing yards in the SEC. I think the comparisons to Faulk are unfair to what Faulk achieved in his college career. Mo hasn't shown that much in his time here, and even though he has improved, he hasn't been improving at the rate that would/should keep him in the lineup with the emergence of Saine and Herron. I think that there are ways to utilize him, but like Poe said; if they're not going to utilize his strengths, then there's no reason for him to be on the field in place of more talented backs.
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