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RB Maurice Wells (Official Thread)

MililaniBuckeye;1248745; said:
Just be prepared for the "Ohio State just keeps going to the well(s) for more running backs" jokes from the commentators...
I'll be tuning into College GameDay to see if Herbstreit has any inside info on whether Jonathan Wells will be able to play.
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NFBuck;1248749; said:
Beats hearing "Big Tex" a hundred times a game...
And trickeration... oh wait you say Pam Ward is announcing, this one, looks like I'm puttin on the radio.
But in all seriousness I hope Mo does well, and like I've said in other posts, he really ran well last week and honestly I think he's got a shot to have a breakout game
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Rookie;1249758; said:
Mark May giving Moe some props on College Football Live.

He said something to the affect of......"Maurice would start at 80 other schools in the country". Pretty high praise coming from that douchenozzle.

I wonder what 29 teams he would not start for? I'm sure all the SEC teams are on that list.
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I'm definitely rooting for him to have a special individual performance tomorrow.

All this talk about RBs named Wells, and none about RBs named Maurice? He's one of my favorites because I see M. Wells picking up where Maurice Hall left off for the Buckeyes. With all the other guys that were around him he was kind of a forgotten man on the Ohio State backfield, but he ended up providing some of the biggest plays of that national championship year - including the winning TDs against Illinois and M*ch*g*n. I think M. Wells can provide the same type steady and timely contributions to this team, and I hope he makes the most of his senior season and enjoys it to its fullest.
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Tlangs;1249893; said:
He said something to the affect of......"Maurice would start at 80 other schools in the country". Pretty high praise coming from that douchenozzle.

I wonder what 29 teams he would not start for? I'm sure all the SEC teams are on that list.
He surely couldn't start instead of this guy where would they get those kinda numbers?
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