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RB Maurice Wells (Official Thread)

I agree. Heckuva game tonight by MoWells. He has been able to do everything the coaches have asked him to do, and done it quite well.

I think some fans get on him but its undeserving IMO. His YPC at times may not be great, but you have to keep in mind in many games his carries are 4th quarter when the defense is expecting Dive Left and Dive Right.

He ran EXTREMELY hard tonight. Broke some tackles, and fought for every inch.
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Magua;951949; said:
I agree. Heckuva game tonight by MoWells. He has been able to do everything the coaches have asked him to do, and done it quite well.

I think some fans get on him but its undeserving IMO. His YPC at times may not be great, but you have to keep in mind in many games his carries are 4th quarter when the defense is expecting Dive Left and Dive Right.

He ran EXTREMELY hard tonight. Broke some tackles, and fought for every inch.

I agree. M. Wells has been solid and has picked up some key first downs for us this year. He also seems to be runnng a lot harder this year.
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He seems most effective in the change of pace role, though. After some Beanie runs Mo comes in and usually breaks a pretty nice run.

I'm not sure if Chris went down for any length of time that Mo would be the answer.

Hopefully Brandon Saine gets some confidence back in that knee and Mo and Brandon get plenty of reps next week against KSU.

By the way, is this schedule shaping up beautifully for the Buckeyes or what? I mean, it's obvious that Beanie needs to sit for a game and BOOM...here comes KSU.
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scarletngray;951953; said:
I agree. M. Wells has been solid and has picked up some key first downs for us this year. He also seems to be runnng a lot harder this year.
Mo is running with confidence this year , and IMO with a purpose. The kid probably wants to get into the NFL and he knows he has to perform and show something in order to do that. JT has to be helping him as he is so loyal to his upper classmen. Mo stayed and btw he has earned his shot by his play. Sure sometimes he gets stuffed but so did Beanie last night. Mo also goes down easier than Beanie but you can see he fights for all he can get. He is trying to do his absolute best and that is what I admire.
Mo has done very well this year for himself and the team.
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I give Mo credit for two reasons:

1) He's our best blocker from the Rb position.. I think it says something about a kid, who maybe hasnt had the success he thought he would, that he still takes pride in blitz pickup..

2) He has gotten strong enough to move the pile.. on a number of occasions he's dragged the pile an extra yard to two.. something i never though we'd see MO do..

He's been very good this year in his role.. I still think we'd be in trouble if MO was our everydown back because we still run too many rush plays that dont really suit him.. Also when we do this, the play needs to be blocked almost perfect for MO to have success... However, when we drop off the screen pass, or run the delay draw and things open up a little, Mo is a very good back...

Kudos to him for sticking it out at OSU and playing hard... he's had a good season, and with the way Beanie looks (injury wise), Mo may become a bigger piece of the puzzle than we all expected
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Buckeyecty4;952099; said:
I give Mo credit for two reasons:

1) He's our best blocker from the Rb position.. I think it says something about a kid, who maybe hasnt had the success he thought he would, that he still takes pride in blitz pickup..

I really noticed this last night. He picked up the blitz really well. Can't say enough about this guy. He's a great team player. I love watching in space.
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This only reaffirms my belief that Mo Wells needs to be the primary back up at rb instead of Saine. By far our best blocker, but he's shown incredible toughness this year. He still gets hit for a few no gainers every game(usually because we run him up the gut to set up a specially designed play for Mo like a draw or screen), but he lowers his head and moves defenders. He's not getting arm tackled.
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Buckeyecty4;952099; said:
I give Mo credit for two reasons:

1) He's our best blocker from the Rb position.. I think it says something about a kid, who maybe hasnt had the success he thought he would, that he still takes pride in blitz pickup..

2) He has gotten strong enough to move the pile.. on a number of occasions he's dragged the pile an extra yard to two.. something i never though we'd see MO do..

He's been very good this year in his role.. I still think we'd be in trouble if MO was our everydown back because we still run too many rush plays that dont really suit him.. Also when we do this, the play needs to be blocked almost perfect for MO to have success... However, when we drop off the screen pass, or run the delay draw and things open up a little, Mo is a very good back...

Kudos to him for sticking it out at OSU and playing hard... he's had a good season, and with the way Beanie looks (injury wise), Mo may become a bigger piece of the puzzle than we all expected

Yup, I'm really happy for Mo that he's getting so much time and he's doing well with it. He really is blocking well and he's fighting for tough yards when he gets the ball. He'll never be a big back, but he's got heart.

I'm not sure how close he really was to leaving, but I'm happy for him that he's gotten plenty of chances since he stayed.
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OSU notebook: 'Steady' Wells steers clear of injuries

Friday, October 12, 2007 3:35 AM
By Ken Gordon

Terry Gilliam Associated Press
Maurice Wells' production has increased in recent weeks, thanks to more playing time and, coach Jim Tressel says, running with a lower pad level.

If someone were charting the Ohio State running backs, Brandon Saine's line would be tilted up and Chris "Beanie" Wells' would be fluctuating wildly. Maurice Wells, meanwhile, would have a line as flat as the central Ohio terrain, and that's not a bad thing.
Buckeyes coach Jim Tressel said yesterday that starter Beanie Wells and his tender left ankle had a very good practice Tuesday but not as good Wednesday. Wells had limited repetitions yesterday in practice but reportedly looked fine.

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Buckeyecty4;952099; said:
I still think we'd be in trouble if MO was our everydown back because we still run too many rush plays that dont really suit him.. Also when we do this, the play needs to be blocked almost perfect for MO to have success...

Mo's lack of success is not due to poor play calling or blocking, but rather due to Mo's tendency to take two stutter-steps left...then two stutter-steps to the right before falling down for minimal gain, if any. Repeat this process at least one more time and then follow that up with a 10 yard run off-tackle. 3.5 ypc is nothing to boast---especially at the college level (he's tied for 350th in rushing ypc).

I attended the Kent game and watched more of his stutter-stepping for no gains. Correction, he did have positive yardage---4 yards on 5 carries (.8 ypc). He also stood still as someone ran by him and sacked the QB.

Mo would be better suited in some role other than RB. If he'd run vertically as opposed to horizontally, then he'd be a pretty good back. But until then, he should be used in some shallow receiver role (screen passes, quick slants---that sort of thing).
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7 Heismans;960709; said:
Mo's lack of success is not due to poor play calling or blocking, but rather due to Mo's tendency to take two stutter-steps left...then two stutter-steps before falling down for minimal gain, if any. Repeat this process at least one more time and then follow that up with a 10 yard run off-tackle. 3.5 ypc is nothing to boast---especially at the college level (he's tied for 350th in rushing ypc).

I attended the Kent game and watched more of his stutter-stepping for no gains. Correction, he did have positive yardage---4 yards on 5 carries (.8 ypc). He also stood still as someone ran by him and sacked the QB.

Mo would be better suited in some role other than RB. If he'd run vertically as opposed to horizontally, then he'd be a pretty good back. But until then, he should be used in some shallow receiver role (screen passes, quick slants---that sort of thing).

Taosman;960739; said:
Oh! Look!
A new football expert has given his opinion of an Ohio State football player!
Looked like a fairly accurate evaluation by 7 Heismans to me.
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The crazy part is that I can actually see Mo Wells in the NFL....


did you see that swing pass he caught for the TD? That's why, he'll be a 3rd down back and special teamer in the NFL and he'll probably be very good at it.
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Napoleonbuck;952145; said:
This only reaffirms my belief that Mo Wells needs to be the primary back up at rb instead of Saine. By far our best blocker, but he's shown incredible toughness this year. He still gets hit for a few no gainers every game(usually because we run him up the gut to set up a specially designed play for Mo like a draw or screen), but he lowers his head and moves defenders. He's not getting arm tackled.

I've acctually noticed a couple times this year where the defender has gone through Maurice Wells to get to Boeckman. Can't agree at all why he should be in there over Saine. The only thing I've seen Wells excel at catch a few passes in the flat and run with it.
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