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RB Maurice Wells (Official Thread)

MililaniBuckeye;961236; said:
Go back and look at the majority of Mo's carries and then count how many times he has been met in the backfield by one or more defenders...it's way more often than not. It just pisses me off that our OL blocking and/or play calling with him in there is a joke.

Agreed. I think it's more a testament to Saine's vision and speed that he is able to gain good yardage under the same conditions.
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Mo is a tremendous addition to our depth. He works hard, blocks well, holds on to the football and forces defenses to keep an eye on the edges. I'm not sure what more you'd want from a guy who is essentially the #3 at that position.

As far as him not being utilized correctly, or the play calling -- Brandon Saine is running out of the very same offense and piling up a pretty impressive highlight reel of open field runs.

Edit: I'll go along with the rest of the class and agree that the line has done an atrocious job at times of keeping defenders out of the backfield on running plays. There really isn't much you can do when you're hit right as you get the ball.

Not every player translates from high school to college in the same form. Some guys are better at the next level (T. Smith), and some guys go from hero to role player. Others take time to develop and keep at it, or need more time in the strength and conditioning program.

As far as the stutter step "working" in high school and not in college, come on, Gator. College defenders are faster and smarter. The same move that makes a high school linebacker hesitate won't make a good D1 linebacker bat an eye, and he's coming full steam 40 pounds heavier and with more speed than a high school corner. The schemes are better, players play their assignments, tackling is more sure, and so on. Blaming OSU for somehow wasting Mo is ridiculous. If anything, he's a better and more complete back for playing here than he would have been at UF. All Meyer would have done is spread him out and turned him into a fifth WR. I know that it's an alien thought to you people now, but running backs generally run with the ball, not quarterbacks. :wink2:
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Just a couple of points:

As we are constantly reminded in the recruiting threads; Trust the coaches. Mo is getting reps because the coaches - and his teammates - trust him on the field. Sure, 3.5 ypc isn't 4.5 ypc, but he must be fulfilling his role out there. Tress and Co. wouldn't play him as much as they do if he wasn't completely valuable on the field.

Also, I love the tremendous amount of respect for Mo Wells welling up in this thread. I also pull for M. Wells to succeed - just like I do for Beanie, Saine, Williams and the rest of the team. It's good to see others respectfully post their opinion, and I'm encouraged that most here are supportive of yet another good kid playing for Tress.
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I'm also a huge Mo Wells supporter. He seems like such an amazing team player and has worked very hard to fit in to the offense. The dude definately deserves our respect for sticking it out and playing his role. He's just kind of one of those OSU underdogs you can't help but want to succeed. Kind of like Roy Hall coming up with some huge receptions last year in some big games. I find myself cheering even harder when a guy like Mo comes up with a big play. Here's hoping we get to see some big ones from Mo down the stretch.
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I'm a huge Mo Wells supporter too just not on the field. He does not deserve to be in there when the game is yet to be decided. I know no one in here agrees with me and it doesn't matter because we haven't had a close game but it might bite us down the road. I just don't understand.
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MoW might not have the vision, strength and instincts that Brandon and Chris have, but He does deserve playing time. He's a buckeye, he has waited his turn, and he's a team player. He'll break runs every so often and he's a master at pass pro he deserves his playing time.
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I'd prefer to use Mo. a little like Saine did a couple times. Lining up as a receiver or coming out the the backfield into the flats to catch passes, kinda like last week playing Kent. He has great burst speed, but he's not a power back like Beanie.
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Griffin;966059; said:
slow off the mark, lack of vision and hesitation are not a hallmark of a running back.

You've been a member of Buckeyeplanet since July and you make your first post in October and you use that first post to bash a Buckeye player.

Nice one!

I mean, gee, thanks for your wonderful contribution to this board. What would the rest of us to without you? Welcome to the Planet.
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Granted, MoW wasn't spectacular today his runs seemed to be called into the defenders more often than not. I am not going to write the guy off, I love Saine, but he's a freshman and will get his time, MoW does need to carve his niche in the offense that that's part coaches and part player.
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"Half a yard and a cloud of dust" strikes again.

Haha I like Mo Wells and think he has ability, but he has no business running in between tackles as a college RB. I'd much rather see him as a receiver, or taking some swing passes or wide runs.

I mean enough is enough. He is not going to have success as a traditional running back. Use his strengths to his advantage and don't make him something he is not.
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first off I think saying a kid doesn't "deserve something" is bull shit. He works hard, keeps his mouth shut, and is a buckeye. He could be a total ass and complain about how the coaches use him, how he doesn't get playing time etc etc but he doesn't.

Yes I too am gettin sick and tired of how they use this kid but support him no matter what. Bottom line is MoW is not an inside runner I agree with that, but I think he's rather good in open space. The problem of course is he's NEVER used how he should be. Is it his fault that he's 190 pounds running into 280 pound tackles? No, it's not.

I just wish that they would leave the inside running to Beanie and Zoom. Now that I think of it though they tried to get Wells outside with some tosses and it still didn't work.

Can someone explain to me what I see?? What I see is strange... Beanie/Zoom are in and there seem to be holes and the runners are hitting the hole hard and gaining 5-10 yards at will. Then MoW comes in and it just looks like there's no where to run? I don't get it??

It's either A) The o-line thinks the other two are better and block harder for them or its B) MoW is lacking some intangibles.
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I'd say its the formations. When Mo is in the I alot of times we have "Silver" in the game which we know is running. He's seeing he holes but the first guy is bringing him down. The 50 pound difference between him and Beanie show up in arm tackles. Mo goes down with some and Beanie breaks arms off! Not much Mo can do his genetics don't allow for that type of running. Single back with two wides and a slot and Mo Wells will gash teams for 5-6 yards per play. He needs the space. We all know it. He runs hard though and picks up the blitz nicely. Where was he on those two gaffs allowing MSU to score.....ugh. Oh well. I hope he continues to get playing time and they swing the ball out, draws and that mis-direction draw play is nice with him. He reminds me alot of Dave Meggett of the New York Giants. Anyone else think so?
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