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RB Maurice Wells (Official Thread)

NightmaresDad;967639; said:
We need to run a separate package when Mo is in there spelling Beanie. The problem with that is there are times when a spread-type package won't be appropriate for the game situation. That's when the staff needs to put in Saine instead of Mo.


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Guys, guys, guys.... I'm sure Tressel is thinking about all these points as well. And as someone said, maybe he's just establishing tendencies for other teams film study...

In any case, when Saine is 100% healthy (because I don't think he is yet) we will see Mo used in the Baschnagel/Zelina/ShotGinn type formations, and I just don't think we're gonna see him sent up the middle against Wisky.

Unless we're up by 30 points. Then JT is likely to do anything.

One thing about JT we have learned, and I don't know if it's a good thing or not, is that he coaches/OCs differently in big games than the lesser games.

I don't know what that means for the NC game last year --- just maybe that it won't happen again, whatever it was.

Go Bucks- and in Tressel we Trust.
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Taosman;966776; said:
Boeckman and Beanie fumbled! Mo Wells didn't!
He's doing what he is told to do. I don't like people criticizing him for doing his best with the play selection.
Very few running backs are Beanie Wells!
And Saine is still a true freshman learning how to play major college football.
Stop hatin'!
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schwab;968199; said:
Of course this question is for everybody else's benefit, not mine, I assure you. :paranoid: Just so that we all are on the same page, what exactly is the silver set again?

it's a personnel package, not a formation. two WRs, two TEs, one RB.

the coaches have utilized a number of different formation and variations within that package:

WR.......LT LG C RG RT ... TE



..........LT LG C RG RT TE TE






...........LT LG C RG RT TE........WR
....................QB RB


WR........LT LG C RG RT TE



...........LT LG C RG RT TE......WR
...................QB RB


........LT LG C RG RT TE.......................WR



.......TE LT LG C RG RT TE





you get the point...
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for those who say he doesn't make something out of nothing... there have been numerous runs this year where he has pushed the pile to pick up atleast an extra 2 yards... yea he has still went down off some arm tackles but that is just the disadvantage of being a smaller back in the big 10...
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bukIpower;969130; said:
we need MoW to put in around 30-40 yard a game in this home stretch!

I agree. Whether it be comined through receiving & rushing or just straight rushing. 30-40 yards a game with a possible score out of MoW would be excellent.
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jimotis4heisman;969181; said:
jim tressel > some idiots on BP/the internet

So true. I sat in front of some idiot who complained every time Mo got the ball last week. And then even walking out of the stadium, I had the "pleasure" of walking past some more geniuses who were bad mouthing Mo. It pisses me off. The kid is the ultimate team player. Could've transferred and been a stud somewhere else. But he stuck it out because he's a Buckeye. These are the guys I like the most at OSU. Because it shows how much these guys love playing here. Mo seems satisfied with his role and willing to do whatever JT asks of him. I wish folks would appreciate that. I'm hoping more and more every week to see him bust one big and really show the doubters what he can do in some space. Alright...I'm done with my rant. :osu:
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buckeyes_rock;969357; said:
So true. I sat in front of some idiot who complained every time Mo got the ball last week. And then even walking out of the stadium, I had the "pleasure" of walking past some more geniuses who were bad mouthing Mo. It pisses me off. The kid is the ultimate team player. Could've transferred and been a stud somewhere else. But he stuck it out because he's a Buckeye. These are the guys I like the most at OSU. Because it shows how much these guys love playing here. Mo seems satisfied with his role and willing to do whatever JT asks of him. I wish folks would appreciate that. I'm hoping more and more every week to see him bust one big and really show the doubters what he can do in some space. Alright...I'm done with my rant. :osu:

What do they expect? Beanie never to get a rest? No matter if you like Mo Wells or not, Beanie can't go every play. The kid needs a breather every now and then.
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