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RB Daniel "Boom" Herron (Official Thread)

jwinslow;1343071; said:
Everyone is making him out to be a messiah? Baloney, but this appears to be at the heart of this. Perhaps you should address the individuals making those comments (by quoting THEM, not us), rather than painting with such recklessly wide brushes.

People are comparing him to Beanie. I think he's a small notch below Pittman, who definitely isn't up with Beanie.

I agree. I also think that's exactly what OSU needs to go with Pryor.

So at the heart of this, we agree. Like I said, I'm not saying he cannot be very good at what he does.

Berry will have 15-20 lbs on Thomas by the time he enters school, but that's not the point. Thomas is not a running back. He might be a running threat on occasion, but how well is he going to execute out of the backfield 15 times a game?

Rainey and Demps are typically getting less than 10 touches per game. If Thomas can't handle that, especially if the coaching staff works to get him the ball in space, then he probably shouldn't be playing at Ohio State.
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Buckeye86;1343072; said:
Alright, I am going to get involved now.

How often does Ohio State, as a team, run the ball on the edge?

I submit that it is not very much. So saying a player is not very multi-dimensional because his runs are up the middle, when the team he plays for runs up the middle 90% of the time regardless of who is in the backfield is not a useful measure of the backs versatility.

I will submit to this, and this is my problem. When teams takes away the inside (like against Michigan) and runs that are intended for the A or B gaps must be bounced outside (which Beanie does marvelously), then Herron is just okay.
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Brutus1;1343095; said:
What people are comparing him to Beanie? He's done everything well that's been asked of him. Sure, he's no Beanie, but who is? I'd be more than happy if he played on par with Pittman.

Yeah Pittman may be a pretty good comparison. He's a little lighter than Pitt, but about as tall. Pitt didn't seem to break many huge runs (of course there was that one against ND, but what running back doesn't break huge runs against No D?), but he was very steady.

With TP running the show, I don't think we'll need a RB to carry it 30 times. I'm excited to see Hyde and Berry as well, but I think Boom is perfectly capable.

And I have to add that I hope no one expects the next guy in line to be Beanie. We may never see a Beanie again. He is special.
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I think that herron will turn into a very good runner for tosu, and like in past years, more often than not, there is usually a combo package with rbs at tosu, herron to me seems more of a dirty goal line/first down in your face pounder than anything else. i will say though as a freshman it is hard to judge because he will get stronger and faster. but he seems to do a fine job. and i agree, with pryor on the field and his , again my opinion, huge steps in mturity as a qb and his throwing, so far this year added to the obvious ability to flat out run the ball, herron is in a great spot as rb. :osu: We just need to work on his beard.
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I think we're gonna be perfectly fine with Boom, no we don't need him to carry the ball 20+ times, but he can if asked! Our spread system with Pryor at QB will alleviate a lot of his pressure, and the middle will be open a lot when your QB can outrun most of our opponents to the outside. And, I don't know a Buckeye fan on earth that has compared Herron to Boom, like was posted before, we may never see another guy like Beenie for a looooong time, he's THAT good! Boom is definitely more like Pittman, a solid RB that won't turn the ball over and won't be knocked backwards. He'll fight for the hard yards. Thomas should be used more like Harvin is used in Florida, where he can line up at WR and RB at times.
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Viking;1342971; said:
I hate to be negative, but when I look at Herron I see a purely inside guy. He's had limited success running outside and his lateral ability doesn't seem that great. Don't get me wrong, he's great inside runner, but I don't see him as especially multi-dimensional yet. He could get quicker, but until it happens Saine will have to be an integral part of the offense. Basically whoever overcomes their deficiencies (Saine running between the tackles or Herron running outside) should be the starter if there is only going to be one main guy.

I don't think many people do. The nice thing about our evolving offense, is Boom won't have to get to the outside by himself. He'll be great taking inside handoffs on zone read plays, and he'll be great taking outside pitches from Terrelle.
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MililaniBuckeye;1372236; said:
I'd bet on 8-10 carries.

Sounds about right. Depends on how well we move the ball on the ground. If we can set up 3rd and shorts, that's more carries for Beanie, which equals more carries for Boom. As long as Texas doesn't go up by two scores, I think you run Beanie until he needs spelled. Unless, of course, he decides to take it to the house from midfield. Boom has looked tough the last few games. Hopefully, he can pick up some yards and keep the offense going while Beanie rests.
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Worm02;1374578; said:
Boom should have got a good 5-10 more carries tonight. Pryor & TB made a few big plays, but Ohio State was too predictable.

I agree and disagree, I don't think Ohio State was overly predictable at all. JT mixed it up pretty good. I wish Herron would have taken the handoffs that Mo Wells got.
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