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RB Daniel "Boom" Herron (Official Thread)

Tresselbeliever;1335468; said:
Boom probably came closer to going to Michigan than Pryor did. What a fantastic choice he made. He's going to be a 1000 yard rusher next season.

I like Boom's game...he shows good vision, but he's considerably smaller than Beanie. We definately need a 3rd and short back to emerge...Hyde?
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OSUbuckeye09;1336288; said:
Nice to see Beanie hand the torch to Boom, he shows such great patience and vision in the backfield. Boom is much faster than i thought in the open field.

God!! I was thinking exactly the same thing. We Buckeye fans sure love our history and watching that third quarter brought back memories of '06. I mentioned earlier in this thread that Beanie in '06 had patience and fumble issues through the season but kind of had his "coming out" party against TSUN, as if to say, "I got next". I thought Boom could do the same thing and, well...

It was just great to see, I'll remember that two play drive for a very long time.

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Taosman;1336489; said:
He had some sweet runs in The Game! He has really come along quite well this year. He is not an every down guy with his lack of size. How much bigger will he get? Can he take 15-20 carries a game?

Boom is definitely starting material. His 84 carries this season is only 20 less than the number Beanie had in '06. Usually, the way that you look at FR numbers is that when someone averages over 5.5 ypc, that guy will probably be heisman material; between 5.5 and 4.0, he will probably be a solid starter; less than 4, he's probably a career backup. Boom's 4.9 ypc this season compares very well with Pittman's 5.3 ypc, and they have similar size.
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akronbuck;1336482; said:
he knew last year this was his last.

I agree that in the end, he ends up leaving after this season, but if you knew last year then why was Beanie saying in interviews this year that he is definitely staying for his senior year? If he isn't conflicted about staying, then why would he bother saying that?
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Man, I always knew that Boom was good up the middle and stuff. But, as the season has progressed, he has really learned how to attack holes and get into the open field. It's paying off rather well. He could always grind it up the middle with his boom. But, he may have had more zoom than we all realized. Very impressive stuff. As 0h8ch said, we are going to be just fine.
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Man, I always knew that Boom was good up the middle and stuff. But, as the season has progressed, he has really learned how to attack holes and get into the open field. It's paying off rather well. He could always grind it up the middle with his boom. But, he may have had more zoom than we all realized. Very impressive stuff. As 0h8ch said, we are going to be just fine.


Boom is going to be a fine back for us (ala Antonio Pittman)

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Best Buckeye;1336295; said:
I can concur that Boom is the heir apparent to Beanie , but don't you think you should make sure that Beanie is done with the torch before you pass it?

Id be very surprised if Beanie came back. So yeah I thought it was nice to see Boom Run all over michigan like beanie did in '06.
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