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RB Daniel "Boom" Herron (Official Thread)

Boom's new helmet(pointed out by jwins in the game thread) post-concussion.

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OregonBuckeye;1320238; said:
Boom's new helmet(pointed out by jwins in the game thread) post-concussion.

I'm all for taking as many precautions as practical, but unless Boom added another four inches of padding to his chin strap or extended his cage down to the middle of his chest. I don't think that much of anything would've stopped a concussion against Wisky. However, I am glad that he switched to head gear that is better equipped from making his concussion worse.

I actually don't know how players are cleared to play again this season after what happened to Boom. I mean, he was "out on his feet". I never had a concussion when I played, but I have suffered a fairly severe concussion after a drunken incident and they wouldn't even let me ride roller coasters for a year. FOR A YEAR! I guess I should have told them that I'd wear one of those helmets while riding the Magnum and the Mean Streak. :tongue2:
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IronBuckI;1320290; said:
I'm all for taking as many precautions as practical, but unless Boom added another four inches of padding to his chin strap or extended his cage down to the middle of his chest. I don't think that much of anything would've stopped a concussion against Wisky. However, I am glad that he switched to head gear that is better equipped from making his concussion worse.

I actually don't know how players are cleared to play again this season after what happened to Boom. I mean, he was "out on his feet". I never had a concussion when I played, but I have suffered a fairly severe concussion after a drunken incident and they wouldn't even let me ride roller coasters for a year. FOR A YEAR! I guess I should have told them that I'd wear one of those helmets while riding the Magnum and the Mean Streak. :tongue2:
You do realize that it is quite likely that it is because of the concussion that the helmet was replaced? The helmet is supposed to sacrifice itself by taking part of the impact in order to protect the wearer from whatever harm the impact might've caused. Thats probably why the helmet was replaced.
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ant80;1320587; said:
You do realize that it is quite likely that it is because of the concussion that the helmet was replaced? The helmet is supposed to sacrifice itself by taking part of the impact in order to protect the wearer from whatever harm the impact might've caused. Thats probably why the helmet was replaced.
IronBuckI;1320290; said:
... I am glad that he switched to head gear that is better equipped from making his concussion worse...

Apparently I did realize that.
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I loved the way Boom ran Saturday. No need for worry that he might be tentative coming back from the concussion. He gave us the change-up from Beanie's style that we've wanted. Can't blame hime for running it in at the end.
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