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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

IronBuckI;1356746; said:
The Bengals radio guys (Trumpy and some other guy) have both mentioned that Bengals scouts have no interest in Beanie. Words that were used were: "Injury prone" and "Not a team player". They've gone so far as to say that NO team (ridiculous) is willing to take him in the first round because this is his rep league wide.

I don't doubt that this is what the Bengals scouts have told them, but these same scouts are in the same league as the Detroit Lions and the Cleveland Browns scouts...so...they're not very good at their jobs.

Pretty sure I heard the same radio show, it was Dave Lapham dogging Beanie. When Trumpy mentioned drafting Beanie, Lap groaned and said, "God, I hope not!". When asked to explain, he said, "Durability, durability, durability, and, from what I've heard, he's not the best teammate." The guys a moron, and obviously has something against the Buckeyes. But I'm glad the Bengals have no interest in Beanie, getting drafted by them is a death sentence. I was disappointed they didn't manage to go winless this year, just to draw attention to what a god awful organization it is. They are in danger of having the worst season in team history, and Chad Johnson and Chris Henry are gong around taking every unsprtsmanlike penalty they can manage? The Bengals are simply an embarassment to the sport of football. To have their 300lbs cheerleader go on the radio and act like Beanie's not good enough for them is a fucking joke.
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Buckeyefrankmp;1356969; said:
What is in the "draft paperwork"?

Guys that have been out of high school for at least 3 football seasons, thus making them draft eligible, but still have at least 1 year of college eligibility left, request an 'NFL evaluation' of their draft status. That gives them an idea of if they would be drafted, and a rough idea of which round they'd be taken in.

They use that info to decide whether they want to declare for the NFL draft or return to school for another year. Of course, if they hire an agent, their college eligibility is over, so that's something a player shouldn't do unless he's positive he's coming out.

Edit - I should add that some guys have no real plans to go out early, but are happy to get the evaluation in order to know what parts of their game they need to work on in order to be NFL ready when their time comes.
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fourteenandoh;1357098; said:
i'm confused about the team player comment. i was always under the impression that he was a good guy to have around the locker room. anyone hear otherwise?

I think it just means that Dave Lapham is an idiot.

BTW, is there any confirmation that JT told Beanie not to submit draft papers? I haven't heard it anywhere else, and it's very out of character. Usually, JT encourages juniors to file papers, even if they're adamant about returning.
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generaladm;1357106; said:
I think it just means that Dave Lapham is an idiot.

BTW, is there any confirmation that JT told Beanie not to submit draft papers? I haven't heard it anywhere else, and it's very out of character. Usually, JT encourages juniors to file papers, even if they're adamant about returning.

as silly as it sounds there is usually some ounce of truth to these sorts of comments. i doubt the guy would just make it up. (then again...)
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fourteenandoh;1357098; said:
i'm confused about the team player comment. i was always under the impression that he was a good guy to have around the locker room. anyone hear otherwise?

Here's the Bengals Scouting Department:

Here's their long lost Lapham cousin - in an inadvertently flattering photo.
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