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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

Electron Boy;1352685; said:
i wish rainbows were made of gumdrops and public restrooms smelled like maple syrup, but that doesn't mean it's going to happen.

and honestly i think it's a pretty sound scientific assessment to say that the chances of Beanie coming back are about on par with rainbows being made of gumdrops. he's donezo.

ok so if i made a public restroom smell like maple syrup would that mean beanie would have to play his senior year? i can pretty much guarantee you i can make the syrup thing happen. im thinkin you have at best a 10% shot with beanie.
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leroyjenkins;1353118; said:
Im not that old, but I have never seen another runner who is so violent, and looks to punish defenders. Can any of the "old timers" give an example of a runner like Beanie??
I've seen several backs that run with as much or more "violence" than Beanie. Most are now in the NFL, and most of those are injured or coming off of injury.
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martinss01;1353120; said:
ok so if i made a public restroom smell like maple syrup would that mean beanie would have to play his senior year? i can pretty much guarantee you i can make the syrup thing happen. im thinkin you have at best a 10% shot with beanie.

well remember, it's gotta be ALL public restrooms. even at indian and mexican restaurants
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Keith Byars maybe? Power runner, and Heisman hopeful going into the season, however, never put up the big numbers as expected due to a (foot) injury. I was sitting in Block O as a student the game he outran the Illinois D wearing one shoe in a great comeback win. Awesome player.
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schwab;1353604; said:
Laurence Maroney is a fine example of a violent runner who limit's his own PT.
Care to provide some evidence of this?

Matt Cassel has 3 times as many rushes as Maroney. I have a hard time believing he likes having the ball stripped from him so often (for years now).
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jwinslow;1353611; said:
Care to provide some evidence of this?


[ame=http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=d7mz7ZlLtm4&feature=related]YouTube - NFL Fantasy File: Laurence Maroney[/ame]

I jest. But if you don't consider Maroney a violent RB, you simply have not seen him play.

Matt Cassel has 3 times as many rushes as Maroney. I have a hard time believing he likes having the ball stripped from him so often (for years now).

So this would play no part in my post where I mentioned his being prone to injuries?

He has yet to play 16 games in a season in his short pro career.

Otherwise I have no clue what you are going for here.
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Understood. Peterson is obviously another. Barber has been surprisingly healthy for his style.

Mason getting both of those guys to Minnesota has to be one of the best scouting, recruiting & developing jobs I've seen.
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jwinslow;1353634; said:
Understood. Peterson is obviously another. Barber has been surprisingly healthy for his style.

Mason getting both of those guys to Minnesota has to be one of the best scouting, recruiting & developing jobs I've seen.

No question re: Mason. What a duo.

Brandon Jacobs may be another. Although he causes more injuries to others than to himself, he misses his share of time here and there.
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