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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

This is quite a while ago, but does anyone remember a Larry Brown, out of Kansas State, who played for the Washington Redskins? Smallish runner, but was just brutually violent in the way he ran the ball. I've never seen anyone run as hard or "violent" as this guy.

Wikipedia states...

Brown went on to become one of the great running backs in NFL history, with a reputation for toughness, for running hard, for running "much bigger" than his 195 lb frame would suggest. Because of his hard-churning style, his career was cut short due to numerous injuries, but not before establishing himself as an NFL back of note.
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Actually, the Browns are on pace to get the 8th draft spot for 2009 NFL Draft.

If this happens, it is VERY likely that the Browns will have the opportunity to go after Beanie Wells.

WalterFootball.com: 2009 NFL Mock Draft

I know that the Browns need some help on defense, but they can do that in next several rounds. Beanie Wells could be a fresh franchise HB to go with Brady Quinn and a great rushing offensive line. He is almost a hybrid of Jim Brown/Bo Jackson and the Browns cannot pass that up.

I think we are in a win-win situation with Beanie Wells. If he returns, we get to see another season of Pryor/Wells. If he leaves, the Browns might be his calling, along with a great rushing offensive line and our possible answer to beat the Steelers.

May the best thing happen to Beanie Wells please...
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scarletngray;1353646; said:
This is quite a while ago, but does anyone remember a Larry Brown, out of Kansas State, who played for the Washington Redskins? Smallish runner, but was just brutually violent in the way he ran the ball. I've never seen anyone run as hard or "violent" as this guy.

Wikipedia states...

Brown went on to become one of the great running backs in NFL history, with a reputation for toughness, for running hard, for running "much bigger" than his 195 lb frame would suggest. Because of his hard-churning style, his career was cut short due to numerous injuries, but not before establishing himself as an NFL back of note.

If we're talking about the same guy, then yes, I remember him as a kid from back in the early 1970's. I believe he wore #43, and was a member of the Redskins team that lost to Miami in the Super Bowl during their perfect season. I also recall that they had to make a special helmet for him equipped with hearing aids built in because he was pretty much deaf. Again, this was 35 years ago, but that's how I remember the story/player.

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WoodyWorshiper;1356419; said:
If we're talking about the same guy, then yes, I remember him as a kid from back in the early 1970's. I believe he wore #43, and was a member of the Redskins team that lost to Miami in the Super Bowl during their perfect season. I also recall that they had to make a special helmet for him equipped with hearing aids built in because he was pretty much deaf. Again, this was 35 years ago, but that's how I remember the story/player.


Yep, that's the guy. He was a human wrecking ball. Loved how he played.

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Silent Nature;1356327; said:
If this happens, it is VERY likely that the Browns will have the opportunity to go after Beanie Wells.

May the best thing happen to Beanie Wells please...

To me, there's just something highly contradictory about these two statements. :biggrin:

I wouldn't wish going to the Browns on Beanie at all (and I'm still a fan of the Browns).
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NFBuck;1356725; said:
I doubt Beanie would fall past the Bungles...
Don't say that, the thought is too much of a strain on my heart... I'm only 25, don't kill me yet.
Strangely for a Steelers fan I don't hate the Browns. I hate the Ravens (O/s of troy) and I loathe the bungles
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NFBuck;1356725; said:
I doubt Beanie would fall past the Bungles...
The Bengals radio guys (Trumpy and some other guy) have both mentioned that Bengals scouts have no interest in Beanie. Words that were used were: "Injury prone" and "Not a team player". They've gone so far as to say that NO team (ridiculous) is willing to take him in the first round because this is his rep league wide.

I don't doubt that this is what the Bengals scouts have told them, but these same scouts are in the same league as the Detroit Lions and the Cleveland Browns scouts...so...they're not very good at their jobs.
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If we take history in to account, the Bengals will draft Beanie then he will get injured sometime his rookie year (Carter, Perry, Irons).

Actually the Bengals were scouting USC when they drafted Keith Rivers. With the lack of scouts the Bengals have, they keep drafting from the same college very often. I see them drafting Maualuga.
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IronBuckI;1356746; said:
The Bengals radio guys (Trumpy and some other guy) have both mentioned that Bengals scouts have no interest in Beanie. Words that were used were: "Injury prone" and "Not a team player". They've gone so far as to say that NO team (ridiculous) is willing to take him in the first round because this is his rep league wide.

I don't doubt that this is what the Bengals scouts have told them, but these same scouts are in the same league as the Detroit Lions and the Cleveland Browns scouts...so...they're not very good at their jobs.
Do the converse - whatever the Bengals Scouts say, think the opposite.

Remember, these are the clowns who must have had Chris Henry rated as a "team player."

Remember, these are the clowns who thought Odell Thurman was going to play for years in the Queen City (and neglected all the signs of massive mental fallibility).

If the Bengals Scouts say a player, any player, is good look cross-eyed at the pick

If the Bengals Scouts say a player isn't good - well, that's just par for the course, it's how they miss ALL the really good picks.

The only (moderately) plausible explanation with redemptive value is that they are trying to poison Wells' value so they may pick him up cheaper (2nd round say). But, that would only work if all the rest of the NFL were as atrociously stupid and unprofessional as the Bengals Scouts - and a good few of them are not.
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Not a team player... Trying to get your teammates up, challenging and supporting a freshman QB, doing everything to help a team win, helping Boom while he was injured... Maybe the Cinci definition of Team Player was one of those things I never got a good grip on when I went to school in SW Ohio, kinda like all the Bungle fans running around my dorm yelling Who Dey because they almost broke 500... Welcome to mediocracy.
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