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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

generaladm;1357106; said:
I think it just means that Dave Lapham is an idiot.

BTW, is there any confirmation that JT told Beanie not to submit draft papers? I haven't heard it anywhere else, and it's very out of character. Usually, JT encourages juniors to file papers, even if they're adamant about returning.

I could swear I read it or heard it somewhere credible. I think JT's thought was, it was pointless, as Beanie would most definitely be a top five pick.
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BUCKYLE;1357126; said:
I could swear I read it or heard it somewhere credible. I think JT's thought was, it was pointless, as Beanie would most definitely be a top five pick.

Beanie Wells Thinking About Jumping To The NFL

Here's one of the articles. I'm sure there are a few other similar ones.

"If it were me, it wouldn't be tough," coach Jim Tressel said of Wells' impending decision. "In my opinion, he ought to be one of the first five guys picked."

Tressel confirmed that Wells is contemplating whether to come back for one more season at Ohio State. The coach said Tuesday that he told Wells to not even bother filling out the evaluation forms for the NFL, since the league knows what it will be getting based on the 2,700 yards Wells has gained the past two seasons with the Buckeyes.
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fourteenandoh;1357110; said:
as silly as it sounds there is usually some ounce of truth to these sorts of comments. i doubt the guy would just make it up. (then again...)

I think, considering the turmoil this season, it's possible that there were rumors about nearly every player not being a "team guy". Beanie would be one of the last I would suspect of that, but who knows? It could be that Beanie's support of TP could have ruffled some feathers in the locker room, but I think that's all in the past now. It reminds me of what someone wrote earlier about Beanie running out of bounds one time in his entire career signified that he was more concerned about his draft status than the game. If a person wants, they can read any meaning into the most innocuous actions. But, I think it all comes back to Lapham being a douchenozzle. For him to completely dismiss Beanie as a prospect for the Bengals, especially considering their complete vaccum at RB, smells like a personal bias to me. Lapham is not really a football analyst, he's a guy who makes a living acting like some drunken fan at a sports bar with a radio mike in front of him. But, if his comments have any impact on Beanie not being drafted by the Bengals, he'll be okay in my book.

BUCKYLE;1357126; said:
I could swear I read it or heard it somewhere credible. I think JT's thought was, it was pointless, as Beanie would most definitely be a top five pick.

I haven't heard anything about it, save for that one post. If someone like grad21, or BB73 had said it, I would have to believe it, but it still seems strange. Like BB73 said in his edit, it's not just a guess at draft position, it's a comprehensive analysis of a player's strenghths and weaknesses from an objective source. JT has mentioned in the past that he sees it as a valuable tool, regardless of a player's intentions, or draft potential.

EDIT: just read above link. Still seems odd to me. If JT said that to Beanie because his playing the past two years speaks for itself, wouldn't that be even more true for Jenkins and Laurinaitis? Kinda sounds to me like JT said something tongue-in-cheek that a reporter paraphrased without the humor.
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BUCKYLE;1357126; said:
I could swear I read it or heard it somewhere credible. I think JT's thought was, it was pointless, as Beanie would most definitely be a top five pick.

dispatch.com says the following.....

dispatch.com said:
Where's RB Beanie Wells, you ask? Well, coach Tressel smiled and said, "You know, Beanie didn't need to fill out the paperwork. I told him to save the transcript, save the paper."
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Mr_Burns;1357130; said:
Beanie Wells Thinking About Jumping To The NFL

Here's one of the articles. I'm sure there are a few other similar ones.

Most people are pretty certain that Beanie is gonna make that jump to the next level following the Fiesta Bowl. What worried me about the article was the fact that Beanie was listed at 85% fit after having to go through a very very rigorous 2 1/2 hour session of running, biking, etc. for taking part in an unauthorized interview with Brandon Smith. It makes me wonder sometimes whether the punishment dished out to college athletes this young are a little over the top.

BTW I got that 85% number from another article (Scout, I think) relating to Beanie's fitness.
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Bengals staff worried about drafting someone because they aren't a team player...the irony is hitting me in the face like a 200lb weight.

I mean, really? With guys like Henry, Johnson and co on that team, they're going to start acting like a bunch of pretentious pricks? Hmmmm....And that's assuming that what they say about Beanie is true. I've never heard anything either way but I find it hard to believe he is a bad team guy. Players seem to respond to him rather well.
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Beanie's team chemistry is great....so calling him a "non team player" is just absurd. The only shred of eveidence that he may return is because of his great relationship with players, including Terrelle Pryor.

There has always ben a slight cloud regarding him sitting out the USC game.....was he cleared, was he held back? But that should NOT factor into any teams evaluation. Beanie has without a doubt played hurt......sprained ankle last year, hurt toe all of this year.

I understand the durability question. You cannot deny he has been hurt, and hurt often while at tOSU. It should be considered in his evaluation. But you cannot question his heart and talent. I personally think he is Brandon Jacobs with more speed. Plus Chris has a much better stiff arm and takes a bit less contact because of it. And his stiff arm is nicknamed Stevie. Does Brandon Jacobs' stiff arm have a name??

I didn't think so.
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6'4 264 :yow1:

I think even Beanie would admit that there is only one Brandon Jacobs.

I saw a comparison in my latest TSN rag to Clinton Portis. I still don't understand that one, but if you mixed Jacobs with Portis, I could start to see the resemblance I guess.
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schwab;1357411; said:
6'4 264 :yow1:

I think even Beanie would admit that there is only one Brandon Jacobs.

I saw a comparison in my latest TSN rag to Clinton Portis. I still don't understand that one, but if you mixed Jacobs with Portis, I could start to see the resemblance I guess.

Brandon Jacobs is a bit bigger, but they still have a remarkable resemblence when they run the football. They both run a bit upright, and they both have a very similar stride.

Brandon is bigger, but Beanie has more speed. They both fall forward for the most part, and Beanie has a better stiff arm.

I think it is interesting that Brandon isn't the goalline rusher for the Giants. They utilize Ahmad Bradshaw down there for the most part.

Beanie is a top 15 pick, maybe top 5 depending on the bowl game and pre-draft hype. I think most scouts would consider Beanie a better prospect than Jonathon Stewart who went #15 to the Panthers last year. Darren McFadden went #4, and McFadden is considered one of the great RB's in college, so Beanie could slip into the 10-15 range.

Wherever he goes, I just hope he has a decent offensive line and gets picked by a decent organization.
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Fair enough. I still just stare at the tv in amazement when I watch Jacobs even line up in the backfield, let alone carry the ball, flashing back to the 1986 SB with the Fridge in there. I used to create this size of RB on the playstation when I still dabbled, and used to laugh at watching the D try to tackle the behemoth. I get that same feeling when Jacobs runs the ball. I think I always will, unless more RB's like him come into the league.. hard to imagine that happening.

As far as Beanie goes, knowing that the Lions and Bengals both pick early, I am hoping for the best for him, but expecting the worst...i.e., hope he ends up anywhere other than those 2 places. I am still trying to get over seeing the Steelers snatch Santonio, the Ravens pick Troy, Carp to the 'Boys, and so on.. while the Browns pick from scUM, scUM south, and Ntre Ame. As LJB might say, frustrating...

I have no doubts that Wells goes early, maybe too early for his own good, though I certainly hope not.
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schwab;1357414; said:
Fair enough. I still just stare at the tv in amazement when I watch Jacobs even line up in the backfield, let alone carry the ball, flashing back to the 1986 SB with the Fridge in there. I used to create this size of RB on the playstation when I still dabbled, and used to laugh at watching the D try to tackle the behemoth. I get that same feeling when Jacobs runs the ball. I think I always will, unless more RB's like him come into the league.. hard to imagine that happening.

As far as Beanie goes, knowing that the Lions and Bengals both pick early, I am hoping for the best for him, but expecting the worst...i.e., hope he ends up anywhere other than those 2 places. I am still trying to get over seeing the Steelers snatch Santonio, the Ravens pick Troy, Carp to the 'Boys, and so on.. while the Browns pick from scUM, scUM south, and Ntre Ame. As LJB might say, frustrating...

I have no doubts that Wells goes early, maybe too early for his own good, though I certainly hope not.

the crazy thing about Brandon Jacobs is how good he is today, and Auburn tried turning him into a defensive player b/c they had Ronnie Brown and Cadillac Williams. That is just sick....turning a great NFL RB into a defensive player because you have Ronnie and Cadillac.

And who would most consider the best NFL RB of the 3?
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billmac91;1357419; said:
the crazy thing about Brandon Jacobs is how good he is today, and Auburn tried turning him into a defensive player b/c they had Ronnie Brown and Cadillac Williams. That is just sick....turning a great NFL RB into a defensive player because you have Ronnie and Cadillac.

And who would most consider the best NFL RB of the 3?

I probably would have tried myself! Ronnie went 2nd, and Caddie 5th.

If I was coaching a college team with 2 BAMF top 5 running backs, I'm not even going to consider putting Jacobs in the backfield at that size, simply because it seems too far fetched. The only reason I even believe Jacobs does what he does at that size, is the Almighty Sunday Ticket. When I am 70 years old with a touch of old-timers, you are going to have a hard time convincing me that a guy his size ever carried the ball for a living.

I always wondered why there wasn't an NHL team that looked for the absolute largest human being it could find, and plunk that man in front of a goal. That's what Jacobs reminds me of.
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schwab;1357424; said:
I probably would have tried myself! Ronnie went 2nd, and Caddie 5th.

If I was coaching a college team with 2 BAMF top 5 running backs, I'm not even going to consider putting Jacobs in the backfield at that size, simply because it seems too far fetched. The only reason I even believe Jacobs does what he does at that size, is the Almighty Sunday Ticket. When I am 70 years old with a touch of old-timers, you are going to have a hard time convincing me that a guy his size ever carried the ball for a living.

I always wondered why there wasn't an NHL team that looked for the absolute largest human being it could find, and plunk that man in front of a goal. That's what Jacobs reminds me of.

Idon't disagree. I think it is funny Brandon decided to go Junior College because Auburn decided he should play defense.

If nothing else, this story should caution players, that sometimes they do know best. If Brandon had stayed at Auburn and transitioned into a defensive player, he'd never be as good as he is today.

Brandon is a physical specimen, but he is far from the best RB in the NFL. He doesn;t have break-away speed, and he's slow to get off the line. His speed to hit holes is the reason why he gets talen out of the game down by the goalline. His rookie and second year in the NFL, they tried to make him the goalline back, but they realized he was a touch slow to hit the hole down on th egoalline. 20 to 20, he's a beast when defenses need to play him him and the offense honest.

I don't think Beanie would ever need to be substituted down at the goalline.
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billmac91;1357425; said:
I don't think Beanie would ever need to be substituted down at the goalline.

Hear ye. The recent trend of NFL teams who go with the 2-back system (you know, the ones who are currently arguing about their nicknames) is something that could help and/or hurt Beanie.

What I mean is, he is the RB that you put in there between the 20's, or in the red zone, or when you are trying to gain enough breathing room to even punt the ball. It would help him going to a team that used 2 RB's, in the sense that it may prolong his career. It would hurt him because I think he is a guy that needs to be in there 99.9% of the time to be most effective.

Knowing that Detroit needs way more than a single RB to save the team, they will likely look elsewhere with the top pick. However, with their history of crazy picks, if they took Beanie, he would make a sweet combo with Kevin Smith. Having said that, Detroit sounds like as much fun as a dentist appointment.

I hope he doesn't end up in Cinci for multiple reasons. Too many to list, so I'll just say Archie Griffin.

St. Louis has Jackson and Pittman, Seattle has no clue, KC needs help everywhere, and Oakland just took McFadden. Those are the only 6 teams I believe that would pick ahead of the Browns if the draft was tomorrow. Can you see where I am going with this? :wink2:
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