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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

Article published Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tressel thinks Wells should enter NFL draft
COLUMBUS ? Standout tailback Chris ?Beanie? Wells has a tough decision to make.

If his coach were making the call on whether he should stick around for his senior season at Ohio State or jump to the NFL a year early, Wells would take the money and run.

?If it were me, it wouldn?t be tough,? coach Jim Tressel said of Wells? impending decision. ?In my opinion, he ought to be one of the first five guys picked.?

Wells wasn?t available for the Buckeyes? Fiesta Bowl media day yesterday. There were reports he drove a brother ? he has 10 siblings ? to the doctor?s office. Tressel confirmed that Wells is contemplating whether to come back for one more season at Ohio State. The coach said yesterday he told Wells to not even bother filling out the evaluation forms for the NFL, since the league knows what it will be getting based on the 2,700 yards Wells has gained the past two seasons with the Buckeyes.

Wells, who has 1,091 yards and eight touchdowns in 7? games this season, is one of seven Ohio State juniors who are considering making the early jump into the NFL draft. The other six have all filed requests with the NFL to check where they might be taken in the draft.

The others are wide receiver Brian Hartline, defensive backs Kurt Coleman, Anderson Russell and Donald Washington, tight end Jake Ballard and offensive lineman Jim Cordle.

?There?s a curiosity,? Coleman said. ?I feel like I?ve been along with such great people that they helped me raise my game to the next level. I just want to see what the next level thinks about me.?

A year ago, 13 Buckeyes sent paperwork to the NFL requesting an assessment of the player?s draft prospects. Defensive lineman Vernon Gholston was the only one that didn?t stay and was taken in the first round by the New York Jets.

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Ohio State football: Wells appears ready to move on
Tressel says back is NFL-ready; others ask to be assessed
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 3:13 AM
By Ken Gordon


The Ohio State football team got some practice yesterday for what it likely will have to do in 2009: go on without Chris "Beanie" Wells. The junior running back was supposed to take part in media day as the Buckeyes prepare to face Texas in the Fiesta Bowl on Jan. 5.
Wells, though, either was accompanying one of his brothers to a doctor or simply forgot about the interviews -- or possibly both, according to a team spokesman.
It seemed fitting, considering that on Dec. 7, coach Jim Tressel basically shoved Wells toward the NFL. Asked about Wells having a tough decision to make, Tressel said, "If it were me, it wouldn't be tough," and made it sound like a no-brainer for his star ball-carrier.
That theme continued yesterday, when Tressel said that six underclassmen had filed paperwork with the NFL to get a report of their likely draft status.
The list: receiver Brian Hartline, safeties Kurt Coleman and Anderson Russell, tight end Jake Ballard, guard Jim Cordle and cornerback Donald Washington.
And Wells?
"Beanie didn't need to fill out the paperwork," Tressel said. "I told him to save the transcript, save the paper."
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jazzman;1357333; said:
What worried me about the article was the fact that Beanie was listed at 85% fit after having to go through a very very rigorous 2 1/2 hour session of running, biking, etc. for taking part in an unauthorized interview with Brandon Smith. It makes me wonder sometimes whether the punishment dished out to college athletes this young are a little over the top.

I guess that all depends on what the violations to him or the program could have been for him being on the TV show. "Unauthorized" means he did not get permission from the coaching staff. I would think the coaching staff looks down on players doing things like this without permission. If this happens too often, it starts to chip away at the authority and respect of the coaching staff. Soon the staff will become as disrespected as the Bengals coaching staff.

Saying these kids are too young for this kind of punishment is silly. He is over 18. He is not in High School. I don't think he was getting physically beaten by the coaches. It is not like he was made to run 2 hours in the summer sun. He is an athlete that was made to run. Thats what he does anyway. He is a running back. Would you like him to get suspended for the bowl game?
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Buckeyefrankmp;1357516; said:
I guess that all depends on what the violations to him or the program could have been for him being on the TV show. "Unauthorized" means he did not get permission from the coaching staff. I would think the coaching staff looks down on players doing things like this without permission. If this happens too often, it starts to chip away at the authority and respect of the coaching staff. Soon the staff will become as disrespected as the Bengals coaching staff.

Saying these kids are too young for this kind of punishment is silly. He is over 18. He is not in High School. I don't think he was getting physically beaten by the coaches. It is not like he was made to run 2 hours in the summer sun. He is an athlete that was made to run. Thats what he does anyway. He is a running back. Would you like him to get suspended for the bowl game?

Tell me something I don't know. I just don't think that it should get to the point where a player goes from being fully fit to 85%.
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jazzman;1357523; said:
Tell me something I don't know. I just don't think that it should get to the point where a player goes from being fully fit to 85%.

Seeing that he is not going to be playing until January, I would not worry about it. If his body is not used to working out like that, I can see him being at 85% after the workout. What is he listed the Sunday after a normal game? He should be fine in a few days.
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dang. Someone beat me to it. Anywho I pray he doesn't go, but it might be best if he does. Hard to really take any side on this argument. Just let him do what he wants to do.
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generaladm;1357106; said:
BTW, is there any confirmation that JT told Beanie not to submit draft papers? I haven't heard it anywhere else, and it's very out of character. Usually, JT encourages juniors to file papers, even if they're adamant about returning.

Yes, I heard him say it in his press conference which you can access from the osu site i believe. as mentioned above, JT was just saying it was a waste of paper because, the evaluation would assuredly support a decision to go pro.
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