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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

NFBuck;1434512; said:
Well, that and the fact that they've won the last 3 MNC's...just sayin'.

True...not denying that fact. It is impressive. Just the fact that two of those teams (UF '06; LSU 07) only got into the NCG over other teams because of the perceived superior strength of the SEC. That and the whole "SEC southern speed!1!!1!" thing.
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Steve19;1433680; said:
His mental toughness?

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Hmmm. it seems I found out about Beanie Wells at St.Clairesville Mall late last night & went up today & got mini helmet signed & 8x10 & Rory Nichol & Donald Washington were both there & got their pictures signed!
This was told to me about midnight last night in Wheeling at the Nailers game at WesBanco arena due to me photographing my friend B.E.Taylor who put on a concert after the game! I had no time to get this on here at 2:30 AM!:sleep2:
Too tired!
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ginn421;1435102; said:
True...not denying that fact. It is impressive. Just the fact that two of those teams (UF '06; LSU 07) only got into the NCG over other teams because of the perceived superior strength of the SEC. That and the whole "SEC southern speed!1!!1!" thing.

seemed like it was pretty spot on though..Hard to argue with those scores
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Hmmm. it seems I found out about Beanie Wells at St.Clairesville Mall late last night & went up today & got mini helmet signed & 8x10 & Rory Nichol & Donald Washington were both there & got their pictures signed!

I was there too. Drove from work in Steubenville straight over to St. C today. Wasnt about to miss that. Where do you live?
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BrutusMaximus;1435955; said:
I was there too. Drove from work in Steubenville straight over to St. C today. Wasnt about to miss that. Where do you live?

Near Washington,Pa! I had to cover B.E. Taylor at WesBanco Arena after the Wheeling Nailers game,then somebody told me about this & there was no way I was missing that!
I took my big camera & got some awesome pictures too! If you want them pm me your email & I'll shoot them to you! I used my Canon 50D,15.1 megapixels!
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I was back in the area visiting my parents over spring break and went there for a little while. Pretty cool to see Beanie up close. He was all smiles and all the players seemed pretty cool. Washington was a little late but he drove from Indiana today. I'm sad to see these guys go :(
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