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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

I think Beanie, professionally speaking, would have an amazing career in Denver, assuming the keep the same blocking scheme. Can you imagine with his cutback ability, him hitting holes in that offense. Again, with Shannahan leaving, I don't know what the philosopy will be, but that could have been great.
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billmac91;1433639; said:
I think Beanie, professionally speaking, would have an amazing career in Denver, assuming the keep the same blocking scheme. Can you imagine with his cutback ability, him hitting holes in that offense. Again, with Shannahan leaving, I don't know what the philosopy will be, but that could have been great.

I think with McDaniels, they'll go more to the New England philosophy. Denver's day of plug and play 1,000 yard backs are over.
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Originally Published: March 19, 2009
Plenty of big stories out of pro daysBig names both helping and hurting themselves in on-campus workouts
By Todd McShay
Scouts Inc.

2. The Beanie show
Ohio State's Wells made up for an underwhelming combine performance by putting on a show for scouts in Columbus. It was the type of workout NFL brass have come to expect from a premier talent at his position, particularly after the shows put on by the likes of Adrian Peterson and Darren McFadden the past two years. Wells stood by many of his jumping and shuttle numbers from Indianapolis but significantly improved his 40 time in Indy (4.59 seconds) by running a pair in the sub-4.45 range. Just as impressive were his hands during pass-catching drills; this eases concerns regarding his inexperience in the passing game (only 15 receptions in three seasons at Ohio State).

Wells can rest easy knowing he showed NFL teams what he's made of physically. It's safe to say that if Wells falls out of the first half of the first round, it will be due almost entirely to concerns regarding his mental toughness and durability

Todd McShay: Assessing pro day showings - ESPN
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Funny how when Beanie runs a slow time (If you consider 4.5's a slow time) at the combine, he is lambasted by McAssHat for being too slow. However, when Moreno runs a blazing 4.63, he says, "it's important to view it in the proper context."
Then he went on to say, "Moreno is absolutely ripped physically and was a productive college runner who did not show great top-end speed on film anyway. He was outstanding in agility drills at the combine and his feet and quickness were extremely impressive in position drills on campus. He also had one of the most impressive days catching the ball that we've seen in some time. Moreno remains the top running back on Scouts Inc.'s draft board, though teams trying to choose between him and Ohio State's Chris "Beanie" Wells might look at that 40 time as the deciding factor."
Beanie is bigger, faster, and just as ripped. McAssHat should get off his knees and just bend over for the SEC.
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His mental toughness?

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Moreno's speed not exceptional at Pro Day | ajc.com

Athens — Running back Knowshon Moreno did not have the best day at Georgia’s Pro Day Thursday. He ran slow 40-yard dash times of 4.6 and 4.63 seconds.
“It’s not too slow,” ESPN draft analyst Todd McShay said. “There have been great backs before him that have been in that ball park. Emmitt Smith didn’t run exceptionally well and he turned out to have a pretty good career.”

So, Beanie Wells runs a 40 time faster than Moreno, yet he's still a big, slow, Big Ten plodder. Moreno then proceeds to run an even slower 40 time at his pro day, and McShay searches high and low for an excuse. What a complete fucking clown.
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[censored] clowns everywhere are putting people who compare mc[censored]sticshay to them on their list, they are also contemplating a lawsuit because of the comparison. This also just in, the Fertilzer backers of America wish to remind us that while [censored] has redeeming value as a fertilizer, to call Mc[censored]stickshay a piece of [censored] would also be a mistruth as he has no redeeming value.

If Beanie goes to one of the teams that I have marginal interest in (lifelong Bungles fan) they may become my new favorite. I can't wait to see the stiff-arm against some poor NFL DB :biggrin:
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TheIronColonel;1434161; said:
Moreno's speed not exceptional at Pro Day | ajc.com

So, Beanie Wells runs a 40 time faster than Moreno, yet he's still a big, slow, Big Ten plodder. Moreno then proceeds to run an even slower 40 time at his pro day, and McShay searches high and low for an excuse. What a complete fucking clown.

Absolutely, how hypocritical can he be?? This is exactly what drives the "mighty SEC" myths..
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TheIronColonel;1434161; said:
Moreno's speed not exceptional at Pro Day | ajc.com

So, Beanie Wells runs a 40 time faster than Moreno, yet he's still a big, slow, Big Ten plodder. Moreno then proceeds to run an even slower 40 time at his pro day, and McShay searches high and low for an excuse. What a complete fucking clown.

God. Todd McShay, Ed Hightower, Siena soup. So many douchebags and yet only one can = Pendejo at a time.
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