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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

CentralMOBuck;1417922; said:

Pat Kirwan is much better.

The Eagles could go with Chris Wells at 21 but the choice this week is Kenny Britt, WR, Rutgers.

Here's a list of his next wave of players who could break into the first round by next week's mock draft:

QB Josh Freeman, RB Chris "Beanie" Wells, TE Brandon Pettigrew, C Alex Mack, OT William Beatty, OLB Clay Mathews, CB D.J. Moore and CB Alphonso Smith.
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Scooch;1422306; said:
Pat Kirwan is much better.

The Eagles could go with Chris Wells at 21 but the choice this week is Kenny Britt, WR, Rutgers.

Here's a list of his next wave of players who could break into the first round by next week's mock draft:

QB Josh Freeman, RB Chris "Beanie" Wells, TE Brandon Pettigrew, C Alex Mack, OT William Beatty, OLB Clay Mathews, CB D.J. Moore and CB Alphonso Smith.

Yes I hope in Kirwans Mock version 3.0 he finally puts Beanie in the first round. Although I doubt it, his mocks keep getting worse, he now has all 3 SC LBs going before James. What an assclown.
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BuckeyeNation27;1428254; said:
what makes a track "fast"?

at Ohio State, they literally have an old strip they leave in place for 40 times. I've always been told the longer a surface has existed, the harder and more compact it becomes, thus less "push" in the surface. If the surface is soft, although it's minimal with every step, your feet actually push the surface into the ground causing your time to be slower. Instead of exploding with each step, your body is waiting for your foot to hit the bounce-back in the surface. Taken to the extreme, think of running in sand where your feet sink, vs. running on a tennis court.

Gererally, harder the surface, faster the times. Indy was the same surface they used in the RCA dome, although it had just been put down, and probably hadn't settled, creating slow 40's.

I'm a bit surprised Malcolm wasn't able to capitalize....that is a bit disappointing. Nothing official but it sounds like he ran somewhere bewteen high 4.4's and mid 4.5's.
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MSURacerDT55;1428335; said:
Even though they take .10 off of your times, It still was better than what he did at the combine which was fine. 4.48-4.49 is perfectly fine with me...

...and that's about where I think he actually is. Bottom line is he has exceptional "football speed" for a back his size. He showed that a number of times with pads on as he tore off long runs separating from CB's and safeties.
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March 13, 2009
Quickie Pro Day update
Sitting here waiting for the final few OSU players to finish up at pro day, here is a quick first report:

-- 29 teams were present in some way, with the exception of Denver, Kansas City and Oakland. All told, there were 60-some NFL people present, including Super Bowl champion coach Mike Tomlin of Pittsburgh.

-- Beanie Wells apparently was the most impressive of the big-name guys. He said he ran in the 4.34 to 4.40 range in the 40, which is significantly better than his 4.59 at the combine. Detroit Lions head coach Jim Schwartz singled Beanie out as looking fast, and coaches don't generally talk about specific players, so that means something.

Blogging the Buckeyes
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