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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

NFL's big on Beanie: Ohio State's Wells doesn't need 40 time to win pro scouts' admiration
by Mary Kay Cabot/Plain Dealer Reporter
Sunday February 22, 2009


Darron Cummings/Associated Press
Ohio State's Chris "Beanie" Wells may not have broken the stopwatches of coaches and scouts at his Combine workout Sunday, but there was plenty of agreement that he's a potentially dominating performer at the next level.


Darron Cummings/Associated Press
Wells' time in the 40 was a relatively unimpressive 4.59, but some observers said they didn't care. "He isn't going to run away from a corner that runs a 4.3," said NFL Network's Mike Mayock. "What he will do is run over that corner."

INDIANAPOLIS -- Ohio State running back Chris "Beanie" Wells is a player the Browns are considering with the No. 5 overall pick, and his solid workout at the NFL Scouting Combine Sunday probably did nothing to dissuade them.
"Obviously, we've got a [junior] down south that's local, and we're gonna take a look at him in terms of how he can help our football team," said Browns GM George Kokinis.

Wells, an Akron native, admitted it would be a dream for him to play for his hometown team.

"That would be beautiful, to be able to stay home and play," Wells said Friday in the media room at Lucas Oil Stadium. "But it's a dream already for me to have the opportunity to play in the NFL. Me playing for the Browns, that would be just blessed."

NFL's big on Beanie: Ohio State's Wells doesn't need 40 time to win pro scouts' admiration - Cleveland Browns football NFL News - cleveland.com

Wells wows 'em

Ohio State running back Beanie Wells broad jumped 10-8. It was the best of all the running backs at the combine. He bench pressed 225 pounds 25 times, seventh-best among running backs. But he ran an unofficial 4.54 40-yard dash, a disappointing time.

"What the 40 tells me with running backs is go check the tape again," Mayock said. "With Beanie Wells, there's explosion. He had one of the best if not the best broad jumps. He had a good vertical jump. He has lower-body explosion, but he isn't going to run away from a corner that runs 4.3. What he will do is run over that corner, hopefully, and stay healthy because that's his biggest issue."

NFL combine notes: Buckeyes hoping to improve stock - The News-Herald Sports : Breaking news coverage for Northern Ohio
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BuckeyesBoyz;1414791; said:
Geez calm down! I love Beanie just as much as you guys do! And yes he is good i know. But just because he did it in college does not mean he can do it in the pros. You got to look at it that way! Beanie has heart and is a very good back! He did not do to hot in the combine tho. He had to do the long jump like 10 times because he kept falling. That shows his balance right there! It brought him down anyway. And just because the analyst are saying where he is ranked does not mean thats how its going to turn out! they have mark sanchez going first round like top 10 pick! thats crazy he is horrible.

Watch the tape, not the combine. Is that you, McShay ?
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Beanie's big play football speed is right up there with the really great ones for a back of his size. The professional football guys (read - not McShay and the like) know that and will regret it later if they pass over him.
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BuckeyesBoyz;1414791; said:
Geez calm down! I love Beanie just as much as you guys do! And yes he is good i know. But just because he did it in college does not mean he can do it in the pros. You got to look at it that way! Beanie has heart and is a very good back! He did not do to hot in the combine tho. He had to do the long jump like 10 times because he kept falling. That shows his balance right there! It brought him down anyway. And just because the analyst are saying where he is ranked does not mean thats how its going to turn out! they have mark sanchez going first round like top 10 pick! thats crazy he is horrible.

I'm surprised people actually believed he would run with 4.4 speed. He's 235lbs,that's a load to carry that fast. His game is a combo of a lot of things. I can't see how his draft status should fall.

Mark Sanchez sucks? He looked pretty damn good last september. How many qb's would you take over him right now?

SEREbuckeye;1414806; said:
With your title being "Powerlifter" you should know that thebench is just like a pushup. The wider your grip is, the more pressure and movement you are doing with your chest; the more narrow of a grip, than you are beginning to use more shoulder and triceps, taking pressure off of your chest. For most gym rats, it is much easier to position the grip more narrow because the triceps muscle is typically stronger. You'd be amazed to see how many plates (45lbs) you'd see on the bar if I had Beanie do a close grip bench press (common triceps body building exercise) than he would if I had him doing a standard or incline bench press.

Lots of fail..No need to address it further then that.
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powerlifter;1415355; said:
I'm surprised people actually believed he would run with 4.4 speed. He's 235lbs,that's a load to carry that fast. His game is a combo of a lot of things. I can't see how his draft status should fall.

Mark Sanchez sucks? He looked pretty damn good last september. How many qb's would you take over him right now?

MS to me is better than the other two QBs right now but do not feel any of them are good enough to warrent a first round pick.

powerlifter;1415355; said:
Lots of fail..No need to address it further then that.

Why don't you post a link(possibly in another thread.) That would show your view to be what you consider common Knowledge and clearly correct.
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krazeyk;1415486; said:
Why don't you post a link(possibly in another thread.) That would show your view to be what you consider common Knowledge and clearly correct.

The point he was making was that, almost all of what he responding to was false. In a bench press, a wider grip would make the lifter rely on a larger, more powerful muscle group (pecs) to bear the brunt of the lift, as opposed to the triceps, which would still be used in the lift, obviosly, but they are not as strong, thereby making a narrow grip a more difficult movement.
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powerlifter;1415355; said:
Lots of fail..No need to address it further then that.

Me, lots of fail? I could care less how much some random guy can do, nor could I care about what someone can do the most with. Dude, my whole response was to your false statement that "grip shouldnt matter" in the bench press. Thats what you said. Here are some sights to back that grip matters:
Bench Press Tip
Depending on your strengths and weaknesses you may want to try different grips on your bench press. For example, if your triceps tend to be a little bit stronger, take your grip a little bit narrower. If they tend to be a little weaker, try widening your grip slightly.
Bench Press Grip
Now there?s nothing wrong with sticking to one grip, however, for maximum bench press strength and development, you need to change up the style of your grip of where it?s placed on the bar.
Bench Press Tips - How to Bench Press More - Proper Bench Press Form
First of all, there seems to be an endless debate about what the proper bench-press grip is. There?s a wide-grip school, a medium-grip school, and an in-between grip school. For our purposes here, I want you to try a little test that will help determine the best bench-press grip for you, not Tom, Dick, or Harry. Get on the floor, and without thinking about it, assume your natural push-up position. Have someone measure the distance between your two forefingers. That?s probably your optimum bench-press grip. Remember it, and use it during this program.
Now....Back to Beanie - the guys thread, if you would like to discuss further, we can go to a different thread.

I felt Beanie overall did what he was expected to do. He didnt come out guns blazing. The expectations around the kid is high, and it's hard to top that. He did well for himself. He looked good in the TV interviews and looks ready for Sundays. I hope he has a great pro day.
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lol (waiting for MUbuck to come and despute me) to be honest it's very rare that someone can press more using a narrow grip.

For one the triceps on people tend to be some of weakest muscle. Now, certainly there are exceptions but they're rare. The triceps also fatigue quicker as well compared to the shoulders. Also the more narrow the grip the longer it'll take someone to complete the lift. Speaking as far as Beanie goes or someone else trying to go to maximum effort it'd probably be a better Idea to have a slighter wider grip. A wider grip can also be seen with power lifters or again people going for maximum reps.

Generally speaking shoulder width is the way to go, but certainly you can do it anyways fit for the individual. It's just that I highly doubt Beanie (or very many people) would benefit from a narrow grip.
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