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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

gost8;1282927; said:
Average running backs have short careers. The great ones play for 10 years and longer.

All I am saying is that he said he was coming back and he seems to be a man of his word. I get it that it would be odd if not downright stupid for him not to go pro, but.... you never know.

OK, let's say he's 99% gone then. He NEEDS to go...he's gotta put bread on the table soon. He's proven to be a tad injury prone as well, so it would be a huge mistake to come back. Honestly, for his sake, I don't want him back. After this season, he will have paid his dues and it will be time for someone to pay him back.
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matcar;1282998; said:
OK, let's say he's 99% gone then. He NEEDS to go...he's gotta put bread on the table soon. He's proven to be a tad injury prone as well, so it would be a huge mistake to come back. Honestly, for his sake, I don't want him back. After this season, he will have paid his dues and it will be time for someone to pay him back.
And by "bread on the table," you mean fist-fulls of Benjamins, right? :p
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I don't know if Beanie will win the Heisman, but if you were drafting all the college players for your team right now, he would narrowly go #1 over Chase Daniels in my book. Tebow would be a strong third.

Beanie is better than Eddie, but Beanie is obviously injury-prone. Hard to say who's the greatest Buckeye runner. Probably could have been Byars over Griffin, without the broken foot (!).
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2 injuries make you injury prone? I would say he has had the misfortune of sustaining 2 nagging injuries that take a long time to heal. I think many players get injuries. The great ones play through them. The not so great one use them as an excuse.

Anyway I never said he was coming back. I just said he emphatically said he was (and provided a link to said quote.) and I think he could possibly keep his word. If he wants to accomplish the goals he set for himself he will have to come back. If his goals change to, get a lot of money now because I may sustain a career ending or draft status changing injury next season, then he will go. I too would congratulate him either way.
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alpo;1283068; said:
Grover Cleveland.

So - a Clevelander getting a fist full of Clevelands? :tongue2:

I think if Beanie comes back, it would largely depend on who will be back on offense as well as the outlook of our team in 2009. Personally, I think after this season it would be in HIS best interest for him to go. I would love to have him stay, but we also need to see Herron and Saine step up and take control of the backfield with Pryor, next year. Til then - Give em hell Beanie!
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Bleed S & G;1283168; said:
Neither one of these guys have had injury plagued careers, and to answer your above post - he was hurt in Highschool too.

He had 212 carries his junior year for 1939 yards and 223 carries for 2134 yards his senior year. Must have not been too injured.
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Deety;1282632; said:
And for good measure...


I laughed out loud (or, I guess here I should say I "lol'd") when I saw that...Macolm giving it back to the Wiscy crowd.
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