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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

I look at it two different ways.

1. He wants to play professional football for himself, his family and the city of Akron. He's proud of the fact that he and Pittman both are from Akron and have a shot at pro ball.

2. He wants to end up one of the best football players ever at The Ohio State University. He's well on his way and a senior season would probably solidify that. If he were to win a Heisman, he could end up like George and Archie with that number around the ring. Very powerful motivator.

Which one of these two desires will pull on him the most after this season? Very tough decision for him imo.

I know I'm damn proud that he's been a Buckeye already so whatever decision he makes, I'm perfectly fine with it.
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*OSUBucknut10*;1282517; said:
Sorry Eddie George and others, but I think last night solidified for me that he is currently the 2nd best RB in Ohio State history.

What a talent, and if he comes back for another year he just might get knocking on Archie's door. Even without 2 heismans

You don't remember Eddie's senior year very well. Beanie has more talent to be sure, but in my opinion he hasn't passed Eddie in the rankings of best Buckeye RBs ever just yet. although by the end of the year he might depending on how he finishes. If he came back for his senior year...and kept playing the way he did on Saturday night...absolutely
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Buckeye Leaves
So Beanie Wells still wants to win the Heisman.
Wells, despite missing three full games and almost a full half of another during Ohio State's 5-1 start, has 368 rushing yards during his three games of action. Because he hasn't played in enough games, he doesn't show up on the NCAA's list of statistical leaders, but if you find his place on your own, he still ranks ninth in the Big Ten and 60th in the nation in total rushing yards.
His 128 yards-per-game average would rank ninth in the country if he qualified and third in the conference behind Michigan State's Javon Ringer and Iowa's Shonn Greene.
And Wells' had the big plays. His 54-yard run Saturday night was Ohio State's longest play of the season. His two touchdown runs this year have gone for 43 and 33 yards, and his final two touchdowns last season went for 65 and 62 yards.
His 168-yard rushing game was the fourth-highest total of his career and tied for the 54th-best rushing game in OSU history. He now has five straight 100-yard rushing games, only 26 short of Archie Griffin's NCAA record.
Wells told freshman quarterback Terrelle Pryor before Saturday night's final drive that this was a man's world. So what's Wells?
"He's a grown man," Pryor said.
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ShakerBuck;1282906; said:
You don't remember Eddie's senior year very well. Beanie has more talent to be sure, but in my opinion he hasn't passed Eddie in the rankings of best Buckeye RBs ever just yet. although by the end of the year he might depending on how he finishes. If he came back for his senior year...and kept playing the way he did on Saturday night...absolutely

That is just my opinion not necessarily everyone else's. I just feel that Beanie is a better RB by looking at him, not necessarily the stats, just from watching both, I personally would say Beanie is better, but that is just my take, someone else may think otherwise. In my opinion, if he comes back for his senior year, he has a valid shot at Archie for the #1, not because of heismans because it's unlikely he will get 2, but based on how good he has been game in and game out verse opponents.I wasn't alive for the Archie years, so maybe I don't know as much about it as some though.
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Buck Kid 66;1282843; said:
Guys i want him back to but he is gone. after this year enjoy it. He is a good one top three in Buckeye history.

You never know. Last year I would have bet the farm that #33 and #2 were gone too. But they wanted to come back and try to accomplish something. Maybe Beanie's desire for a Heisman and to be talked about as one of Ohio State's greatest players ever will be enough to give it one more go. I'll just say it will not surprise me if he stays.
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*OSUBucknut10*;1282915; said:
That is just my opinion not necessarily everyone else's. I just feel that Beanie is a better RB by looking at him, not necessarily the stats, just from watching both, I personally would say Beanie is better, but that is just my take, someone else may think otherwise. In my opinion, if he comes back for his senior year, he has a valid shot at Archie for the #1, not because of heismans because it's unlikely he will get 2, but based on how good he has been game in and game out verse opponents.I wasn't alive for the Archie years, so maybe I don't know as much about it as some though.

I was very young when Archie played, but I remember going to a game every year with my Dad. (Not many Buckeye games were televised in Fremont Ohio in the 70s.) All I can say is Beanie has some work to do to be thought of as the greatest RB in OSU history. Kinda like comparing Tressel to Woody. Archie is an icon as well as being one hell of a RB.
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Taosman;1282919; said:
He won't be back. Running backs have a short career.

Average running backs have short careers. The great ones play for 10 years and longer.

All I am saying is that he said he was coming back and he seems to be a man of his word. I get it that it would be odd if not downright stupid for him not to go pro, but.... you never know.
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Did anyone else see the article in the Dispatch where Beanie said no matter what happened this year he would be back for his senior season? I know a lot of players say that and then bolt for that NFL $$$, and I am not so sure that he shouldn't do the same. I have to believe he would be one of the and possibly the first RB taken. Lets face it he is the prototype NFL back. That being said.... I really hope he wants to come back to avenge the USC loss, win a NC and get a Heisman.
I think I missed out on last week....so here's this week's version:

He's not coming back. This is the last year you're going to see Beanie Wells in an Ohio State uniform. Enjoy the next 7 games with Beanie, because next year he won't be here.
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I think he stays, he realizes a Heisman next year (it WILL be his), and an even better shot at a NC. And I know he loves playing with Pryor in the backfield.

There is so much potential and I think he knows it, maybe the seniors this year rubbed the right way with him and showing that its not too bad to stay all 4 years.
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BuckeyeNation27;1282948; said:
I think I missed out on last week....so here's this week's version:

He's not coming back. This is the last year you're going to see Beanie Wells in an Ohio State uniform. Enjoy the next 7 games with Beanie, because next year he won't be here.
Sure. It's easy for you to say that now, but just wait until you see the letter writing campaign I'm putting together that will convince Beanie to stay!
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