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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

gost8;1283199; said:
He had 212 carries his junior year for 1939 yards and 223 carries for 2134 yards his senior year. Must have not been too injured.

Actually, he WAS injured...it's been well talked about. My understanding is that Beanie hasn't played healthy since a junior in HS.
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3074326;1283375; said:
I haven't heard any.. but...

with a playmaker at QB like Pryor, why would you want the defense to have a better idea of what was going to happen before the snap?

If it was only used once or twice a game, it would give the defense something else to think about it.
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gost8;1283199; said:
He had 212 carries his junior year for 1939 yards and 223 carries for 2134 yards his senior year. Must have not been too injured.
He also carried the ball for 160 yards last week, injured.

He played injured all season last year and had over 1,000 yards.

Lets say Beanie comes back next year, and gets hurt again. You think the NFL will use a top pick on a player who potentially will be playing hurt his entire career?

Thats the point.
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Bleed S & G;1283395; said:
Lets say Beanie comes back next year, and gets hurt again. You think the NFL will use a top pick on a player who potentially will be playing hurt his entire career?

Well if he is "injury prone" then isn't it inevitable that he will be playing hurt his entire career? Or will he become magically un-injury prone after he is drafted? If the teams in the NFL already consider him injury prone like some of you do, why waste a pick on him at all? So to answer your question... yes.
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Yertle;1283444; said:
Direct snap to Beanie and he pitches to Pryor!!!
This is a possibility but I would want to do it with Boom Herron of Brandon Saine instead of Chris Wells. They is always the potential of a Defensive player just ignoring Pyror and going straight for Chris,this increases the possibility of injury
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This is a possibility but I would want to do it with Boom Herron of Brandon Saine instead of Chris Wells. They is always the potential of a Defensive player just ignoring Pyror and going straight for Chris,this increases the possibility of injury
I think with this offense...there is NO NEED to get fancy like this. No point. Beanie is good enough to get big yards on ISO plays and sweep plays. And Pryor can get the ball down field in the shotgun, or under center, and Pryor can run the option with Beanie, that's about as fancy as we need to get. When we get fancy is when we start going backwards. We have the best running back in the country. Let's just run him downfield so he can get yards, first downs, and touchdowns. We tried some sort of fancy fake to Beanie give to Mo Wells type play against Wisky, and it was blown up. It was silly. When you don't need to fool the defense to get first downs and move the ball, then why try to? I'd much rather say..."Hey...we are running an ISO play from this formation every time...but you can't stop it, so that's what we are running again, and again, and again, until you do."
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