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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

CapnStubby;1293361; said:
This worries the F out of me... Players are questioning leadership, the play calling, the coaches?

Am I reading this wrong?


We always say "trust the coaches" here on BP, but it's starting to look like the players are having trouble doing this. It's pretty worrisome, really. Especially when it's Beanie. Guy never has anything bad to say.
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CapnStubby;1293361; said:
This worries the F out of me... Players are questioning leadership, the play calling, the coaches?

Am I reading this wrong?

i think you are spot on. if this doesn't fix itself this week i see us possibly losing 3 maybe 4 games before the bowl game. before you call me crazy and label me a hater, think about it. a loss to MSU, followed by a loss to PSU and everyone will mail it in. I'M NOT PREDICTING THIS WILL HAPPEN, JUST SAYING THAT IS WITHIN THE RELM OF POSSIBILITY IF THEY DON'T COME TOGETHER THIS WEEK.
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fourteenandoh;1293348; said:
so he didn't call out pryor, it was more the play calling. i have no problem with a team leader saying something like that. IMO it is a constructive statement and its not divisive like Ballard's comments are.

completely agree.

fourteenandoh;1293367; said:
i think you are spot on. if this doesn't fix itself this week i see us possibly losing 3 maybe 4 games before the bowl game. before you call me crazy and label me a hater, think about it. a loss to MSU, followed by a loss to PSU and everyone will mail it in. I'M NOT PREDICTING THIS WILL HAPPEN, JUST SAYING THAT IS WITHIN THE RELM OF POSSIBILITY IF THEY DON'T COME TOGETHER THIS WEEK.

with the recent comments, i'm thinking freakin' self-fulfilling prophecies?
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I don't think Beanie's calling anybody out or questioning the play-calling.

I think he's just saying... basically what he said... "We need to pass more."

The coaches can't do that until TP gets more comfortable through experience. ... well, I suppose they could, but I think the results will only spur a different sort of doom-and-gloom.

Nobody was expecting TP to play lights out at this point in his career. Anyone who was expecting that... time to wake up. He's come a long way, but there's still a long road ahead.

Everybody just needs to simma down. The season's not at stake. The only thing at stake at this point is a game against Sparty on Saturday.

That's all.
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shetuck;1293450; said:
The coaches can't do that until TP gets more comfortable through experience. ... well, I suppose they could, but I think the results will only spur a different sort of doom-and-gloom.

The kid isn't going to get that experience until the staff opens the passing up.
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MililaniBuckeye;1293470; said:
The kid isn't going to get that experience until the staff opens the passing up.

agree mili. i would think of it like this. if you throw a 50yd pass that gets picked off on 2nd down what's the big deal if you are going to run up the gut and get stuffed on 2nd and 3rd down anyway? give him a chance and who knows what will happen.
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MililaniBuckeye;1293470; said:
The kid isn't going to get that experience until the staff opens the passing up.

Yeah... and imagine the chorus of "Bring back Boeckman" chants when he makes mistakes that actually costs us games. The rate at which TP has made progress is stunning. I think the staff is pushing him along as quickly as humanly possible.

Regardless... my point was that Beanie's simply making a statement of fact (ito needing to get to the point where we can be back to a balanced attack), as opposed to drawing battle lines (as some seem to be implying).
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fourteenandoh;1293478; said:
agree mili. i would think of it like this. if you throw a 50yd pass that gets picked off on 2nd down what's the big deal if you are going to run up the gut and get stuffed on 2nd and 3rd down anyway? give him a chance and who knows what will happen.

Huge difference ito the impact on the TP's confidence in himself and the team's willingness to follow his lead, imho.

I'm not saying that getting stuffed in the backfield isn't excruciating and frustrating, but (to me) it's not the same as being picked off trying to hit your receivers on the long ball. But we've been down that road (at least with the volatile long balls) with TB already, so we can't say it would be tolerated for very long...
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shetuck;1293483; said:
The rate at which TP has made progress is stunning. I think the staff is pushing him along as quickly as humanly possible.

Yeah,that is aphukkingmazing! I think he is doing fine,for god's sake the kid is a true FRESHMAN & is starting games!
I think he is coming along great! Can any of us do better than him? NO!:wink2:
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shetuck;1293498; said:
Huge difference ito the impact on the TP's confidence in himself and the team's willingness to follow his lead, imho.

I'm not saying that getting stuffed in the backfield isn't excruciating and frustrating, but (to me) it's not the same as being picked off trying to hit your receivers on the long ball. But we've been down that road (at least with the volatile long balls) with TB already, so we can't say it would be tolerated for very long...

One play action deep ball early in the game changes everything. I don't want to see them going long all the time, but just once or twice will open up the entire game for Beanie. If it does get picked off, its no worse than 3 and out. The risk is worth the reward.
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fourteenandoh;1293548; said:
One play action deep ball early in the game changes everything. I don't want to see them going long all the time, but just once or twice will open up the entire game for Beanie. If it does get picked off, its no worse than 3 and out. The risk is worth the reward.

This isn't a one-dimensional challenge. A big part of the problem with our inability to get the passing game going this year has been the protection. If our protection fails, then even TB isn't (wasn't, actually) going to be able to connect... talk less of our line having the ability to give the QB enough time to find his receivers.
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i was talking to some co-workers today who were at the game. maybe someone can verify this who was there as well. towards the end of the 3rd quarter Beanie supposedly didn't make it into the huddle on two consecutive plays. We get a first and goal after Flash's screen pass and Maurice Wells comes into the game. They break for the quarter, and Maurice was still in the game.

You would think that with the quarter break, Beanie would have been ready to go in. but he didnt.

Is it possible that the coaching staff was sending a message to their star player to get his arse in gear or was this a coincidence. When we got the ball first and goal at the 4, i was absolutely flabbergasted that we ran a toss to Mo.
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