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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

Tlangs;1293593; said:
i was talking to some co-workers today who were at the game. maybe someone can verify this who was there as well. towards the end of the 3rd quarter Beanie supposedly didn't make it into the huddle on two consecutive plays. We get a first and goal after Flash's screen pass and Maurice Wells comes into the game. They break for the quarter, and Maurice was still in the game.

You would think that with the quarter break, Beanie would have been ready to go in. but he didnt.

Is it possible that the coaching staff was sending a message to their star player to get his arse in gear or was this a coincidence.

I didn't see Beanie not making it into two huddles, but I remember the point of the game. I was surprised.. I don't think Beanie needed his ass in gear. He was definitely putting forth the effort. Unless he just got frustrated the he didn't have much room to run.

Either way, I think they send a message to someone else before Beanie.
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3074326;1293605; said:
I didn't see Beanie not making it into two huddles, but I remember the point of the game. I was surprised.. I don't think Beanie needed his ass in gear. He was definitely putting forth the effort. Unless he just got frustrated the he didn't have much room to run.

Either way, I think they send a message to someone else before Beanie.

That is what i was thinking. But my work buddies swore that he was lollygagging around between each play. I've also heard that he was flat out worn out and out of breath due to the flu bug. Either way, i would enjoy something besides a run from #34 on 1st and G.
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Tlangs;1293616; said:
That is what i was thinking. But my work buddies swore that he was lollygagging around between each play. I've also heard that he was flat out worn out and out of breath due to the flu bug. Either way, i would enjoy something besides a run from #34 on 1st and G.

I thought he looked like he got dinged up a little on one play (can't remember if that was the same drive), but he probably was tired. He said he was tired/worn out during the game in his post-game comments, if I'm not mistaken.
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3074326;1293625; said:
I thought he looked like he got dinged up a little on one play (can't remember if that was the same drive), but he probably was tired. He said he was tired/worn out during the game in his post-game comments, if I'm not mistaken.

I remember the play you are talking about. He was horse-collared and then was hit late....with a no call on both.
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IronBuckI;1295872; said:
Does this mean that we won't have to hear about his MFing lineman's shoe anymore? :smash:

I'm thinking no. I believe JT was talking solely about Beanie's flu from last week. He's still got pain in the toe, so I think there's a good chance he'll still have wear a shoe with the insert.
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With all this talk of the anemic offense and Pryor struggling, we need to realize that our success starts and stops with Beanie.

Even with the poor blocking last week, he had 22 carries for 94 yards. There were two carries where he tripped and fell with a lot of green in front of him. If he doesn't trip, he prolly has 22 for 125 yards and we turn two field goals into two touchdowns. a 16 to 3 game turns into a 24-3 game rather easily.

Our offense isn't that far off from producing. Just hold a few blocks for that extra split second and lets have Beanie deliver us a W today.

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