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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

Beanie is really impressing me with how he is playing injured.

Unfortunately I think people are going to look back at this as his last year (if it is) and not think he was as great as he was. Even as injured and having to learn to run a different way in a different offense he is still doing very very well and is a beast.

Even though he's going to have a mediocre year statwise, I'd still put him as a top 3 OSU RB ever. I think he's just as good as George or Byars were, although it would be very hard to put him ahead of either of those guys without a super season as each of those guys had. Theres little doubt in my mind though that if he hadn't gotten injured this season would be much different and Wells would be well on his way to a 1,800yd 25TD season.
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Beanie is a beast, and no matter where you rank him in the all-time list of tOSU rb's, he has to be near the top of my list of favorite Buckeyes and near the top of my list of Buckeyes who were warriors. He has had some pretty serious dings in his career and yet he has put up some outstanding numbers as well as being the heart and soul of this team for the last couple of years. He is also going a long way in helping bring TP along in teaching him how to be a "man" that alone will pay huge dividends next year even if Beanie skips his senior year.

Keep running hard and stiff-arming the poor [censored]'s big guy.
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As far as Beanie's place in OSU history, he will likely end the season in the top 5 all time rushers. With 5 games left (4 Big Ten plus bowl), he needs just under 400yds to pass Keith Byars to take 4th place behind Archie, Eddie, and Tim Spencer. That means averaging 80 yds a game, and with NW and UM on the sched, that's very likely. Beanie would need to average 150 yds/game to pass Tim Spencer. A tall order, but possible. I believe he was averaging around 160 down the stretch last season. Putting him in the top 3, legend wise, is not out of the question, but with Archie and Eddie firmly entrenched at the top, that would put Beanie above everyone else. I didn't get to see Tim Spencer play, but his totals are very impressive. If Byars had not missed so many games, his total would likely be up there with Eddie.

I can't take credit for the stats compilation, Jeff at thebuckeyebattlecry.com has a running account of Beanie's march up the all-time list. The article was a bit long to quote, but here's the table (updated after the MSU game) and a link. Quite an entertaining site. Check out his ongoing feud with BW3.

  • #1 - Archie Griffin - 5,529 yards (2,725)
  • #2 - Eddie George - 3,768 yards (964)
  • #3 - Tim Spencer - 3,553 yards (749)
  • #4 - Keith Byars - 3,200 yards (396)
  • #5 - Pepe Pearson - 3,121 yards (317)
  • #6 - Carlos Snow - 2,974 yards (170)
  • #7 - Michael Wiley - 2,951 yards (147)
  • #8 - Antonio Pittman - 2,945 yards (141)
  • #9 - Beanie Wells - 2,784 yards

It’s a big, big week/Beanie Wells update
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IMO regardless of what the #'s say he is AT LEAST the 3rd best back ever at tOSU. I can't put him above Archie and I can't put him above Eddie but then again, I can't really put Eddie above Beanie either, as someone else stated, Eddie ran behind the best OT to ever put on the S&G. That and the fact that Beanie hasn't been 100% in two freakin years, the guy is unhuman, and I mean that in most gracious way possible, I don't want him comin to find me :biggrin:
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I have to put Beanie as the #2 Ohio State running back of all-time. Eddie was amazing, but Beanie is just unbelievable. I don't know if I've seen a running back with that much patience, power, speed, and this goes along with power, but his stiff arm. Truly one of a kind.

I still hold a small bit of hope of a senior year :)

Not getting my hopes up though.......
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TWO things will cause Beanie to come back and this is just speculation on my part. His promise to momma that he would get a degree(he's the type of kid that won't break that promise) and the fact that he seems to be enjoying the college experience the same as JL and Jenkins and the rest that returned to see him do something special. He wanst to win the Heisman and the only way that will happen is if he comes back - healthy - and dominates next year.
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