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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

If he doesn't end up playing this year, can he gain another year of eligibility if he so chooses? That would pretty much suck for the big guy to lose out on his whole junior year to an injury. Something like a redshirt?
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EidoloN;1264649; said:
If he doesn't end up playing this year, can he gain another year of eligibility if he so chooses? That would pretty much suck for the big guy to lose out on his whole junior year to an injury. Something like a redshirt?
It wouldn't matter. Even if he did stay next year, his senior year, he definitely wouldn't be staying another after that.
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Good luck to Beanie and whatever is wrong with him. This may be a thunder cloud now, but in the end, it will have a silver lining, whether it be Beanie coming back for his senior season, or even him healthy and having a strong pro career (which always helps out OSU in future recruiting).
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Expecting Beanie to stay would be like expecting Adrian Peterson to stay at Oklahoma. Even with the injuries, APete still got drafted high, and he is still a star. Beanie will be too, and we will be able to root for the greatest RB of the Tressel era in the pros.

Until then, get healthy Beanie!
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daveeb;1264722; said:
Expecting Beanie to stay would be like expecting Adrian Peterson to stay at Oklahoma. Even with the injuries, APete still got drafted high, and he is still a star. Beanie will be too, and we will be able to root for the greatest RB of the Tressel era in the pros.

Until then, get healthy Beanie!

And if so, we can still use it to our advantage:

"Hey "so-and-so" we have turned out great backs recently that have gone on to the NFL - George, Pittman, Wells, etc. You could be next if you come here"

(Wow, I would suck at recruiting slogans! lol :biggrin:)

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osucollegebuck;1264919; said:
I almost admire the optimism of the people who think he'll come back. HB careers are so very short in the NFL I almost think it would be silly for Beanie to come back for his Senior year.

Besides the typical NFL life that HB's have, It is merely speculation for a guy's NFL decision. Remember how shocked people were that Youboty went pro after his junior season - or even that a few guys came back for the 2008 football season?
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sepia5;1263650; said:
But he was medically cleared to play. In other words, doctors determined playing would not subject him to further injury of any form. That is the only reason I even consider the possibility that it wasn't JT making the decision to hold Beanie out . . . .

this is why:

Wells, sidelined since hurting his right foot in the season opener against Youngstown State, is still taking baby steps with getting ready to play in a game. He has run through some drills with the rest of the Buckeyes running backs, but has not faced contact and has not done much other than gingerly running in a straight line.....

if beanie can't/isn't being permitted to go full contact in practice, he can't play. its just that simple. beanie's situation could be serious, it might be minor. pffftt he could be 100% today. but if he has gone 3 weeks no contact doing nothing more than rb drills in practice. he shouldn't be playing. its just that simple.
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