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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

RugbyBuck;1263157; said:
JT has Beanie's interest as a person, not just one of the best backs to wear the S&G, in mind. He asked him to play hurt last year and Beanie sacked up and did it. It's quite another thing to ask him to play injured or if there is a good chance of making an injury, potentially a career-ender, worse.

But he was medically cleared to play. In other words, doctors determined playing would not subject him to further injury of any form. That is the only reason I even consider the possibility that it wasn't JT making the decision to hold Beanie out . . . .
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Born Buckeye;1263262; said:
That is what a great coach does - takes the heat for his players but gives them all the credit. The Vest is the Best!

As for Beanie - I doubt we see much of him regardless of if he is 90% or 100%. The Heisman is gone and the Big 10 season is much more important than Troy. Boom can handle this week.
Jt fell on the sword for the players after the UF game. He does that. The only way to realy tell how he feels is see who's on the field this week. We know tp is going to see more action it will be intersting to see the ol and dl make up, during the game.
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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP)?Ohio State coach Jim Tressel swears that tailback Chris ?Beanie? Wells will be back this season. Tressel either doesn?t know or isn?t saying for sure when that will be.
Wells, sidelined since hurting his right foot in the season opener against Youngstown State, is still taking baby steps with getting ready to play in a game. He has run through some drills with the rest of the Buckeyes running backs, but has not faced contact and has not done much other than gingerly running in a straight line.....

But if Wells is close to being ready to go, that?s news to Ben Person. And Person starts at right guard on Ohio State?s offensive line.
?I don?t think he even practiced,? he said after Tuesday?s practice
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MililaniBuckeye;1263269; said:
Sorry, but after the way the team quit in the second half at USC, no way do they belong in the national title game regardless of how well they play the rest of the year. They forfeited any right to play for a title this year right then and there.

Until we start playing the other big dogs closely on the national stage, the NC should be off limits to us (or any other team performing like that). We have to prove we belong, and debacles like this past weekend don't...

I did make that statement assuming it was going to be a game. :tongue2:

I'm in full agreement with you right now.
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Ohio State football: Beanie Wells out for Saturday's game

by From staff reports Thursday September 18, 2008, 1:24 PM

Ohio State running back Beanie Wells will not play in Saturday's home game against Troy, OSU coach Jim Tressel said this afternoon. Tressel also added that Wells' injured foot might keep him out of next weekend's Big Ten home game against Minnesota.
Wells injured the foot Aug. 30 in the season opener against Youngstown State.

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Wow, out for this week and next week?

Seriously, why hasn't they even release any information about what exactly is his injury?

Now, I am very disappointed that he might not even play this year after all. It's hard to believe how that little slip costs him the opportunity to win the Heisman.

Can anyone imagine how Beanie feels about this?
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As much as I like to stay positive, I'm not sure it is so easy now. Coming into this season, I had several keys to OSU winning the NC or at least having a good season. THe first two were:

1. Chris Wells stay healthy because he is perhaps the best player in the nation regardless of position. He is a key to this offense and I looked forward to seeing if he could dominate as much as I thought, reset the OSU rushing record, and win the Heisman

2. Win at USC to take the pressure of the big game curse off of the seniors/team and Tressel.

Those two things have now been dashed mightily, and several others such as Boeckman playing well and the DL playing much better have also seemingly failed so far.

I always look forward to the games, but I'm concerned as to whether OSU's offense is going to be good enough without Wells to win a number of games this year. Pryor is only a freshman and not one of the seniors have stepped up to take Beanie's place as a leader. Troy should never be a problem, but they always play well against top ranked teams and could be a problem as our guys are coming off another blowout and no one knows how they will respond.

Also, little seems to be said about the adsence of Wells against USC and how it affected the game. Some may disagree, but I think he would've helped emensely in the red zone and been the major threat against USC. It's easy to mark this as an excuse, but it's not because I really don't think OSU should have collapsed as badly as they did in teh second half and should have never played as poorly as tehy did mentally.

Still, I wonder what Florida, Georiga, LSU, Oklahoma, etc would have looked like without their best player and Heisman candidate. To me, without Tebow, Moreno, Scott, and Bradford respectively, none of these teams would have been able to have success against USC. Most of those guys are the hearts of their teams and keys to their offenses. Again, I'm not trying to excuse how OSU performed last Saturday, but I think people should think about his situation a little more than they are.
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1926Buckeyes;1264337; said:
Also, little seems to be said about the adsence of Wells against USC and how it affected the game. Some may disagree, but I think he would've helped emensely in the red zone and been the major threat against USC. It's easy to mark this as an excuse, but it's not because I really don't think OSU should have collapsed as badly as they did in teh second half and should have never played as poorly as tehy did mentally.

Still, I wonder what Florida, Georiga, LSU, Oklahoma, etc would have looked like without their best player and Heisman candidate. To me, without Tebow, Moreno, Scott, and Bradford respectively, none of these teams would have been able to have success against USC. Most of those guys are the hearts of their teams and keys to their offenses. Again, I'm not trying to excuse how OSU performed last Saturday, but I think people should think about his situation a little more than they are.

I don't think you're reading the right threads.
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Steve19;1263232; said:
I disagree. With Beanie in there, you don't go after the QB like they did. I also think we would have scored at least 14 more points early. Perhaps the outcome is unchanged but it would have been a much closer game.

I don't understand what you are disagreeing? There's no doubt in my mind if Beanie would've been in the game it wouldn't have been such a blow out. However, with the way we were playing on defense and how much our O-line sucked that night, we still would've lost.
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'Beanie' out for another week

Thursday, September 18, 2008 6:07 PM
By Ken Gordon


Ohio State tailback Chris "Beanie" Wells has seen improvement in his injured right foot, but he will miss his third straight game Saturday against Troy.

Coach Jim Tressel today said Wells' foot responded much better to back-to-back practices this week than it did last week, but said Wells still wasn't "functionally ready" to play.

Tressel would not put a timetable on Wells' return to action, either.

"He's got to be able to function at the Beanie level," he said.

Wells suffered the injury Aug. 30 against Youngstown State, on his 13th carry of the season. The junior from Akron was considered one of several preseason Heisman Trophy hopefuls, but that chance now has evaporated.

"Gosh, I hope that's not forefront in his mind," Tressel said. "My experience with Beanie is what's most important to him is when will he be back to help his team. Those other things, yeah, they're goals, and I hope they are, but they're not in the forefront."
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