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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

That doesn't really mean all that much to me at this point. Have they been honest with us yet about what's happening? Do we even know what the injury is? My dad said it best on Sunday.....maybe now that the SC game is over, we can be treated like grown ups and find out what's wrong.
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If we were going to sit Beanie against SC...I don't see why we even try to get him back on the field for Troy. I say earliest should be Minnesota...get him a few reps in Big 10 play. That's what is important now. We will need him in Madison. Does anybody else think that Wisconsin looks kind of like a carbon copy of us?
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BuckeyeNation27;1262185; said:
That doesn't really mean all that much to me at this point. Have they been honest with us yet about what's happening? Do we even know what the injury is? My dad said it best on Sunday.....maybe now that the SC game is over, we can be treated like grown ups and find out what's wrong.

I couldnt agree with you or your dad more..... At this point its kind of hard to believe anything right now about Beanie
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BuckeyeNation27;1262185; said:
That doesn't really mean all that much to me at this point. Have they been honest with us yet about what's happening? Do we even know what the injury is? My dad said it best on Sunday.....maybe now that the SC game is over, we can be treated like grown ups and find out what's wrong.

Tell your Dad that it's turf toe, or as JT says "It's a foot thing" :biggrin:
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Tressel did say that and if you really think about it there could be multiple reasons why he want this to appear to be his decision and not Beanie's. Regardless, I know we all hope he gets healthy and is able to play very soon.
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