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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

martinss01;1258671; said:
if you gave me the choice of playing beanie, winning and him getting a career ending injury because he isn't 100%. or sitting him out and loosing. sorry guys but im sitting him 10 times out of 10.
If you give Beanie the choice of playing or sitting regardless of how hurt he is hed be on the field...
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I dont know who saw it but Beanie was walking in with his pads bag and normal pregame suit and a jersey on a hanger when walking from the bus. How about a mid game descision ala Remember the Titans.
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by all means dont shoot the messenger, he looked like he would be in full garb whether playing or not i saw it with my own eyes on espn during the purdue oregon game. Regardless.....LET'S GO BUCKS!!!
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BuckeyeMike80;1258757; said:
Guys it's not going to happen. Tressel isn't going to put him in. Once the decision is made Tressel very rarely backs down and I don't think this is one of those very few times.....

if this isn't one of those very few times, when would be?

My prediction: He wont be suited up. Come halftime, depending on how we are doing, he at least runs out of the tunnel in pads to fire up the troops.
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cataboy3;1258780; said:
if this isn't one of those very few times, when would be?

My prediction: He wont be suited up. Come halftime, depending on how we are doing, he at least runs out of the tunnel in pads to fire up the troops.

Actually I fully expect him to be suited up.

Tressel won't change his mind here. He didn't with Bobby Carpenter, he won't with Beanie....
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BuckeyeMike80;1258797; said:
broken in half? just a tad bit of revisionism there......

And it wasn't by the bowl game in any case, yet Tressel held him out for the good of the player.

Still, Carpenter's injury was more severe and he wasn't medically cleared by the team's docs. LET ME HOLD OUT HOPE!!!
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sepia5;1258832; said:
Still, Carpenter's injury was more severe and he wasn't medically cleared by the team's docs. LET ME HOLD OUT HOPE!!!

Seems your first statement is pretty ambiguous given the evidence from this story...

Scout.com: Tressel: Carpenter Seems Unlikely To Play

unlikely to play means he's been cleared (probably)....

I'm not even worrying about Beanie playing. Ohio State fans should not even worry about it either. Win with who you have......
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