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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

Hope you continue to get healthy, Beanie. Missed having you out there this past weekend.

I got my #28 jersey on Friday. Wore it with pride on Saturday. A personal kudos to the this student-athlete who inspires me on and off the field. First time I've ever purchased a jersey.
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ChinaBuckeye;1261719; said:
We missed him, but it wouldn't have mattered...

I think he would definitely have mattered...er Rome...he would have gotten hard earned yards, helped take pressure of TB by having a running game, he has the ability at anytime to take it to the house....

Might not have won the game, but he definitely would have mattered....
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I for one think a 100 % healthy beanie possibly could've impacted the game very dramatically.

We seriously I thought had success moving the ball on the ground in the first half. If herron (who I think is great) can run it with pretty good success on USC what would've beanie had done? Those 4 yard gains then turn into 6-8 yard gains. What about beanie/Pryor in the game at the same time?? The threat of the inside/outside run could've opened up HUGE lanes for either or.

It probably wouldn't have mattered, but if we would've been able to have Beanie/Herron both running well things might've been different. Maybe instead of a field goal we score on the 2nd drive. Maybe instead of missing a field goal we get it closer to make it or even score another TD? Maybe instead of Boeckman throwing a Pic 6 to Ray, beanie runs for a 4 yard gain and well on our way to ANOTHER scoring drive (remember we were driving on that series too).

Also the time of possession would've been worse than it was had beanie played in our favor. A back as big and strong as beanie wears a team down, and it keeps the chains moving. That would've kept their offense OFF the field, and kept our defense fresh.

Again I dunno if beanie wins us the game but I for one think he wouldv'e had the greatest impact of ANY player that day if he had played. He thrives in big games and that would've been no different. Also remember we didn't start to go DOWN HILL until we missed that field goal and then threw the pic 6. Hell that game could've been 14-10 at halftime without beanie.

Of all the games we had to be missing our best player? Funny how that works. That would've been like USC missing both Mcknight/Sanchez.
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Beanie Effect

There were at least 2 times I saw Boom get tackled by 1 defender, and one of those times he was the only one to beat. I don't know if Beanie takes it to the house, but he gets more yards after first contact. That is what he brings that the others backs don't. Don't want to take anything away from Boom because he was one of 2 inspired offensive players we had on the field. With Beanie on the field and without all the stupid penalties, this would have been a game going into the 4th.
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Powair7s;1261852; said:
There were at least 2 times I saw Boom get tackled by 1 defender, and one of those times he was the only one to beat. I don't know if Beanie takes it to the house, but he gets more yards after first contact. That is what he brings that the others backs don't. Don't want to take anything away from Boom because he was one of 2 inspired offensive players we had on the field. With Beanie on the field and without all the stupid penalties, this would have been a game going into the 4th.

their was a 3rd and 7 draw on either the first or second possesion that Herron shot through the hole and was dropped after 4 yards by one guy. Beanie makes that guy miss and goes a long way on that one.
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buckeyebri;1261734; said:
I think he would definitely have mattered...er Rome...he would have gotten hard earned yards, helped take pressure of TB by having a running game, he has the ability at anytime to take it to the house....

Might not have won the game, but he definitely would have mattered....

One thing for sure, Beanie picks up blitzers and blocks better. Herron and Wells were too small to handle SC's linebackers and Herron and Saine missed a few keys.
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