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RB Carlos "El Guapo" Hyde (Official Thread)

Run with more power? Hall is not a power back. Hall bounces and gets stuffed way too much. Which is why I think Smith should be in those short yard situations. Everyone understands why Hall is in and they want to go hurry up on those plays to keep from substituting. Smith would have easily picked up those key 3rd downs.

I agree that Hall isn't a power back, but getting stuffed on those 3rd and shorts aren't on him.

The O-Line hasn't opened up holes in those hurry up scenarios, and Hall is getting hit as soon as he has the ball (Or so it seems). I still wish they'd spread the field way out and do the inside handoff on those short yardage plays.
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I think you guys are not understanding..Who is saying smith should be in instead of Hyde? Hyde could not play Saturday, which is why Smith's name was brought up. Hall played because Meyer wanted him to and he probably deserved to. But some of those plays Smith would have easily converted without having to go to 4th down 3 times. That's all im saying.

Yeah, I was a bit surprised that Rod didn't get any of those short yardage carries (Obviously with the exception of the no-sub hurry up plays).

Of course, when you have a running back averaging 6 YPC...why sub him out?

Hall is nearly at 500 yards...I think dual 1000 yard rushers is possible, if Hyde gets a lot of carries late. He'd need a 200 yard game in there somewhere, and has to average 125 yards a game. At his average last year, that would mean Carlos would need 25 carries a game over the next 8 games to break 1k.
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I don't deny Hyde without the issues would start..but I can't read Urban's mind..he was ready to go the year without Hyde. Hyde will have to earn his time Urban won't welcome him back like all is forgiven.Hyde's problems are different than Roby's.
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I think you guys are not understanding..Who is saying smith should be in instead of Hyde? Hyde could not play Saturday, which is why Smith's name was brought up. Hall played because Meyer wanted him to and he probably deserved to. But some of those plays Smith would have easily converted without having to go to 4th down 3 times. That's all im saying.

Clearly Coach Meyer disagrees, and I do too. There's more required to moving the chains or crossing the goalline than just size and right now Jordan Hall is a superior player to Smith in all of those other aspects. I think to say that Rod Smith is a sure thing in short yardage does not reflect the reality of the way he has performed throughout his career so far. All Smith has proven so far in his career is that he's inconsistent. Why should he be trusted to touch the football right now in short yardage with the game still being contested?

BTW, the YouTube video you posted hardly supports your argument about his short yardage abilities. It's a 1st & 10 carry in garbage time with seven defenders in the box. He didn't have to use any of his power in the first or second levels because the O-line blocked the shit out of that play - there were three or four holes to choose from. He made a cut to get through the line and didn't even encounter a LB because they all crashed the edges and took themselves out of the play. All of his power came down the field against pathetic arm tackles by DBs. I like seeing that - it's nice, but it has little to do with his ability in short yardage.
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"There are two ways to handle discipline," Meyer said Tuesday on the weekly Big Ten coaches teleconference. "One is to mope and complain and whine and there was none of that. I think he knows that this is it. He's at the 11th hour of his career and he played very well for us a year ago. He handled this in a very unselfish, selfless manner, which we made very clear that it had to be that way."

"He could have come back and said, 'There's nothing legally wrong with what I did,'" Meyer said. "That never came up. I simply said, 'This is the punishment. This is what I need you to do and you better walk a straight line.' And he did. So we're welcoming him back."

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