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RB Carlos "El Guapo" Hyde (Official Thread)

Mr. Hyde practice this week like its the scUM game..volunteer for every special team..also making the tackle on the opening kick off will help wyou with Urban. If Urban detects any sense of entitlement you wont get the action you want...Now go hard Carlos
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Very interested to see how Hyde is integrated in the offense. I know he won't start Saturday, or even against Wisconsin, but I think he has what this offense is missing, which is consistency and power in the short yardage situations.

Hall has been fantastic so far, but I'd rather him go to carrying the ball ~10 times and catching the ball 5+ times and have Hyde be the foundation on which all the big plays are built.
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Very interested to see how Hyde is integrated in the offense. I know he won't start Saturday, or even against Wisconsin, but I think he has what this offense is missing, which is consistency and power in the short yardage situations.

Hall has been fantastic so far, but I'd rather him go to carrying the ball ~10 times and catching the ball 5+ times and have Hyde be the foundation on which all the big plays are built.

Technically speaking, isn't Hyde's suspension over after the Cal game?
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I see it as Carlos Hyde in as running back, Jordan Hall in at H-back, alternating with Dontre.

I know, and I think for now that's a misplaced assumption. The main reason Hall was in that pivot position last season was for a lack of better options. Now that the team has better talent that can stretch the field horizontally, I don't think he's automatically destined to return there. Coach Meyer has called him the best RB on the roster. He doesn't seem to blow smoke about that sort of thing. Hall's production has lived up to that assessment so far, and I don't think Hyde is going to just walk back into the starting spot.
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And one of the nation's leading rushers goes to the bench? The guy who Coach Meyer has called the best RB on the roster?

I knew I should have added Hall in the flat, and Philly on a slant to go with the other poisons. Three games in and I agree with Urban on who the best running back is. I just want to see Carlos go after his 1000 yards. If the fire inside him is set to "inferno" he is one bad dude.
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You could also argue that grouping Smith in with Hyde nullifies that argument. Hall has bounced off the pile a couple times in short yardage, but Hall has still run with more power and much better balance than I've seen from Smith.

Exactly. I'm not speaking for Hyde here, but if Coach Meyer felt Smith gave the team a better chance of converting more second and third downs he would have been getting those carries.
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