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RB Carlos "El Guapo" Hyde (Official Thread)

Carlos has more than served his punishment IMO. Considering he was never charged with a crime he served a longer punishment than he would at any other program. Urb said he wanted to be tougher on misconduct than other schools. Mission accomplished. Now it's time to move on. Peronally I don't see any reason to hold him back at all at this point. Hall has been better than I expected but consideration must be given to the defenses he has faced. He has done VERY well filling in for Carlos but personally I'd like him moved full time to pivot, Carlos given a healthy dose this week and Brax to rest if he really needs it.
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I'm of the opinion that a big back like Hyde, causes a lot of wear and tear on the other team's DBs. Most college CBs weigh under 200, and most Safetys weigh under 220. Running into Hyde, and trying to drag him down has to get old by the 4th quarter.
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Personally, I think each of our running backs should get 20 carries a game and then the QB should get another 10. Oh and the receivers should also get 10 targets each. Now, that comes out to around 200 offensive plays a game. So we'd better start running an extreme no huddle to get all these touches per game.

Get working Coach Meyer!
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A lot of 3rd and shorts that needed a 4th down run in the Cal game. Hyde picks up those 3rd and shorts so we don't have to depend on a 4th down play. Especially w/in the 5yd line. Hyde is a beast and we need his power dearly.
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I don't think Wilson's touches should go down at all. It will keep both Hyde and Hall more fresh all year if they split carries.

I think Hall starts, and remains the starter all year unless something happens, but I expect Hyde to get his share of carries, too.

Right now Hall has 64 carries, Wilson has 13 and Smith has 6.

I think the next 83 carries, not including QBs, will look something like.

Hall 38, Hyde 32, Wilson 13.

And I expect both Hyde and Hall to be out there together a bunch.

RBs get dinged up over a year. What should be nice here, is that honestly any one of these three could probably win us a game alone, although it's yet to be seen if Wilson could shoulder the load...but the depth here will pay off HUGE when as the season goes on.

One thing I also have to say is that I don't agree with the "punishment served so now everything should go back to the way it was" argument. In the coaches eyes, Hyde did something that warranted a 3-game suspension, and usually situations of that nature mean there is more to the punishment than just the games missed. Meyer has eluded to this. Yes he has served his punishment, but now comes the time where he has to step up and rise above, on and off the field. We won't see the off the field stuff. We will see the on the field stuff. Let's see how he reacts when he is on the sidelines in key situations, and how he supports his teammates. Then lets see if when he does get out there, if he can run hungry. My estimates above are just a guess, but a lot of this is going to be dependent on how Carlos responds to all of this.
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I think Hall would have a better chance of getting the 1000 yard mark than Carlos, don't you?
I'd put more money on Hyde than Hall. Carlos practically hit the number last year in fewer games. I'm appreciative of what Hall has done and he has a role where he can be extremely effective, but Carlos has proven that he can do it against the meat of our schedule and not the OOC chumps.
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I'd put more money on Hyde than Hall. Carlos practically hit the number last year in fewer games. I'm appreciative of what Hall has done and he has a role where he can be extremely effective, but Carlos has proven that he can do it against the meat of our schedule and not the OOC chumps.

In the next 11 games (making a crazy assumption that we get to the B1G Title game and bowl) Hall just has to average about 54 YPG, well below his current 134 YPG. Even with split carries I think odds are good for Hall to hit the 1K mark.
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Fresh legs...when Carlos gets in vs Wiscy and Northwestern he'll be ready to go with a game under his belt. Couple that with the RB depth already on the roster and the ground game should be more than fine. This week's number of carries will probably be close to even with Hall but I expect Hall to get more overall touches...
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You could also argue that grouping Smith in with Hyde nullifies that argument. Hall has bounced off the pile a couple times in short yardage, but Hall has still run with more power and much better balance than I've seen from Smith.
Run with more power? Hall is not a power back. Hall bounces and gets stuffed way too much. Which is why I think Smith should be in those short yard situations. Everyone understands why Hall is in and they want to go hurry up on those plays to keep from substituting. Smith would have easily picked up those key 3rd downs.
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Exactly. I'm not speaking for Hyde here, but if Coach Meyer felt Smith gave the team a better chance of converting more second and third downs he would have been getting those carries.
I think you guys are not understanding..Who is saying smith should be in instead of Hyde? Hyde could not play Saturday, which is why Smith's name was brought up. Hall played because Meyer wanted him to and he probably deserved to. But some of those plays Smith would have easily converted without having to go to 4th down 3 times. That's all im saying.
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