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RB Carlos "El Guapo" Hyde (Official Thread)

Can't wait for video to come out with Hyde's postgame interview. Buckeye fans are going to love this kid for life after watching.
Brandon Castel ‏@BCastOZone5m
There were actual tears on Hyde's cheeks as he talked about missing those 3 games and not knowing if he would get this opportunity again.
Brandon Castel ‏@BCastOZone3m
Hyde said he's out there trying to make up for those first 3 games. Has never played harder or hungrier in his life.
^ Was easy to tell. He was possessed with the ball in his hands.
Brandon Castel ‏@BCastOZone2m
Hyde gave a speech to his teammates at halftime. Told them 1st half was unacceptable, this offense scores touchdowns not field goals.
^ @Jaxbuck
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They "rode" Hyde to a win at Northwestern:


He should be the B1G Offensive Player Of The Week, and if he isn't "It's fixed".

Also, the guy on the Ozone board really takes great pictures.
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I don't see a lot of similarity in style when I look at Hyde and Beanie Wells.

As for why Hall didn't play, that was a knee injury. Jordan Hall is a valuable running back, and I think we'd have seen him play quite a bit in Evanston had he been healthy.
Beanie / Hyde power runners that get the extra yards. Hall I really like him but, he's not a power back
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